Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: So I flipped to much music....

Today I took my study, so I was out of school earlier today. I come home, tra-la-la-laa and turn on the TV. I remember that 'I Dream of Jeannie' is on tv so I flipped to prime, ok commerical break. Flip to much music, hmmm that's odd, there is news. Why is there average worldly news on my much music, ok maybe I have the wrong channel. So I flip somewhere else and yet it's all commerical. So I once again try Prime, but wait a sec, this isn't Prime. Try Much Music again, and see it's still news. So then I remember that all the channels changed today. Go figure after thinking about since it was announced last week, I totally forgot when I actually turned on the tv. This means I had to go and fine a new channel guide because almost every channel between 14 and 50 have been altered.

I'm still a little bitter about this. See the city used to have two different cable providers. One for east of the river(me- Shaw), the other for west of the river(videon), this means that in one city there were different channel numbers for the same stations. Any ways, a few years back shaw bought out videon or whatever they did. So then the city, both east and west were both covered by the same provider, but for the most part the difference in channels and stations remained the different to both sides. Made for interesting television when you'd be talking about for example channel 24 (showcase in the east) but something in the 40s for the west. So if you never remembered stations it was hard to get people to understand what show you'd be talking about. Then recently the city finally decided to have the whole city on the same station and channel. I've been saying this for years. It was always strange that one half of the city was set on way, and the other half was different. So yay, for it being continuous and constant throughout town.

But boo because the east changed a lot. It's closer to what the west had. I'm not saying they didn't have any flucuations or such, but the east got shafted. The east gained a few channels the west had, but the majority of the channels have changed now. So now I must check a channel guide to find channels that were once lower now being really higher. I miss the old order, it made sense, now it's all helter skelter. I just have to complain though. Very confusing. For almost 10 years some of these channels lived at those old numbers and now they're moved. Change is hard. Maybe this means less tv because I'll get too mad that i can't find the channel. But at least now if I go to an aunt's house across town, I won't have to ask where their much music or such channel is. I digress, still bitter though...

Interesting day. Once again worked with Dr Jeckell and Mr Hyde the tech. Then he tried to make me look so bad infront of the first year student. GRRR!!! As if I don't know what I'm doing. He asked her to make sure I remembered to do some things. Grrr!!! I can only imagine what tomorrow will be like. Not looking forward to the weekend, I have this huge gut wrenching feeling in my stomach telling me that this weekend's nights are going to be insane. Cripes! But oh well, it will be a learning experience.

That is all... I say good day!


{..::current..mood::..} somewhat chirpy
{..::currently..reading::..} HP:GoF
{..::currently..watching::..} E! True Hollywood Story about Mama Cass
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{} Gloucestershire airport in England used to blast Tina Turner songs on its runways to scare birds away.
{} Agent Eric Weiss: You really want some space, or are you and I going to go get drunk? 'Cause there's this bar - you won't even remember it tomorrow.
{} Isabel: The perfect Liz Parker lying to her mother?
Liz: Yeah, well, at least my parents know what species I am.



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