Someone shoot me if I ever find a guy like my dad...please
Oh my god, my father is seriously on my last nerve. He's just being a total prick lately. He treats my mom like crap sometimes and I'm just sick of it. Pretty much you have to have a penis to be treated like a human being. I just can't believe how old and crabby he's gotten over the years. *cleansing breath* breathe, just breathe...
Went to my grad rehearsal today. Luckily the ceremony will only be an hour at the most, so yay to that. I even managed to get a new outfit for it, seeing how it's the white dress shirt under the white lab coats. I'll look even more ill the pictures but that was their choice. It's funny, they had all of our names monogramed on lab coats but where they put mine, half of it goes into my armpit, it's kind of funny to me. Remember it's the simple things that amuse me lately. Hopefully it will be nice tomorrow night though, seeing how we'll be on the River Rouge or whatever it's called. Oh well it's just one more day with my class, one more day. Unforunately I have to sit next to MedRad Barbie the whole time, shucks. Plus they've decided we show up earlier for the pictures. One girl thought we should show up at 10:00 (my ass, I'm coming 3 hours before the ceremony), instead our group will meet at 11am. Oh well...
No more purging today, although I wish I had. I've been running around since I was awakened at 11am (yay I finally was able to sleep in!). But now I'm exhausted. Sick and exhausted. I'm drinking Benelyn (sp?) all for one (or whatever it's called) by the gallon. Hey I even managed to have a huge asthma attack in Costco today, so I'm doing great, lol.
Any hoos, I'm going to curl up on the couch and die while I watch Alias season 3, woot!
{..::current..mood::..} sickly
{..::currently..reading::..} shoapholic ties the knot
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing at the moment
{..::currently..listening::..} I'm your angel - celine dion
Hey you, it's Elissa!
I will shoot you if you want, you know I'm good for at least that.
YAY for graduating!!!!!*throws confetti and blows in the noisemakes* That's totally awesome! How many of us can say that we've made it that far!!
lol Who's MedRad Barbie???
I'm always stalking around the net, and I read your blog on a regular basis, so I'm always around. Talk to you soon!!
P.S.- Shopaholic Ties The Knot is really cute.
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