Woot! I got a shift!
a-cha-cha-cha, I got a shift today. Yippee!!
*sing-song* I'm in the money, I'm in the money
Okay enough of my craziness. Here's how my day went:
08:00 - Alarm goes off
- Ugh!! Already? I don't want to get up, really I don't. No point.
08:04 - crawl out of bed and turn off alarm, hating that the day has arrived.
08:05 - Put dog outside.
08:06 - Bring dog in.
08:07 - Get blanket cause it's cold in kitchen and sit down to open the paper.
08:08 - Phone rings.
- Ok some one will answer that.
08:08:30 - Mom is telling me it's Leona (hospital)
08:09 - Helena is asking if I'll take a shift. Damn straight I will!! Asks me how long it will take to get there (approx. 30 minutes).
08:10-08:20 - Get dressed, throw jello in bag, make self presentable (mind you still groggy from the robaxacet from last night)
08:40 - arrive at work! phew!
16:15 - in car on way home.
It was madness. Glad I got called in, plus a student from my class was working so we were actually working together today (if you can call it that). It was nuts though. Lots of things were going wrong (equipment fine though), just everything else was insane. Him and I and a student, whom felt she should boss me around (grr!). Oh well whatever. Plus because I got there before 9:00 I'll get paid for a full shift even though I didnt' get there until almost 9am. Yay!!
Ok I'm off to the movie store... Later dayz!
{..::current..mood::..} happy I was remembered to work
{..::currently..reading::..} textbook
{..::currently..watching::..} nuffin
{..::currently..listening::..} humming of computer
{..::days.until.CAMRT::..} 11
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