everything is not coming up chrissy...
what a past few days. I'd actually like to forget they even happened, so we shall...
Ok, I really really need to know if we are serious about going to Minneapolis (or another destination) on May long weekend. I know this is bad timing to make you guys make a decision (exams and all... sorry), but it's sort of imperative I know. I hate to push and proad but I could potientially kill two birds with one stone.
Turns out I finally have a liver biopsy date. It coincidentially falls right after the may long weekend. Soo... I was thinking that if we do go away, I just have to take off the week following the may long weekend and only lose those few days. But if we are going to go, I'd like to know whether I need to take off the friday (before the may long) or not, because it sort of matters when I ask my manager. Turns out I already need to take off the afternoon on the 19th of may, then of course May 25th (actual procedure date) until the following monday.
Ok I'm rambling, I'm just trying to see if we're serious about this, becuase I don't really know how many vacations day I have and sick days so I sort of want to know if I can afford (not money afford) to take off the 19th through until 27. If i don't make sense, which I'm probably not, let me know. Plus I realize that you lynnsey don't know because it depends on a job and such, but if you guys could make a conclusion by the end of this week that would be great. I'll be in touch though.
Now it's time for me to chase my psycho poodle who is eating kleenix and chewing my shoes. Later days!!
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