Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Nothing like taking a walk.....with Superman

So apparently, my brother has officially lost his mind. I kid you not. He's retarded, pure and simple.

I have just gotten home from being completely humiliated by my brother, aka 'Superman' (I use the term loosely though).

See my brother feeling guilt over making my mom create a 'Prince Charming' costume for him, purchased another costume so to take some pressure off my mom. The only problem with this is he bought a children's costume. It's actually a little kid costume that resembles pyjamas. You can imagine now a 20 year old male, wearing a children's costume.

Now picture this same idiot, walking down the street to the movie store in said costume. Worst of all is the fact I was forced into joining him. There we were walking down a fairly busy street with him wearing this far too small and quite revealing costume.

For your viewing pleasure (or discomfort) here are said pictures of how embarassed I am right now.

All I can say, is thank god he couldn't find the mini cape, for he was trying to make my dog into 'Krypto' Superman's dog. Phew!



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