{Topic}: There is only one normalcy I seek...and forever more I'll be denied from it...
Another day come and gone from my meaningless existance. A little harsh eh? One word for you..deal!... Ok so maybe I'm not in the bestest of moods, but it's not like I'm in the worstest of moods (I think I need to stop using -est). I'm a little bummed that's for sure. Just when everything seems to be going fairly well, lemons come and hit me in the head knocking me out. So I ask, how do I make lemonade with the all the lemons thrown at me, if i'm unconscious? Not making sense, good. I'm choosing to be that way.
Obviously the doctor's appointment didn't quite go as planned or hoped. Good news no surgery and my gallbladder is normal. Bad news everything else is screwy. First probably more adhesions that at times twist and close the bowel for a while, but going in and "fixing" it will cause more and so it's not worth it. Not only could I need a colostomy after that but who knows what else could go wrong. Second of all, my liver seems to be the problem. Spleen's enlarged as well. So I had a whole bunch of blood work done. Ok there is another pissy thing about yesterday. First I didn't expect anything like that to be told to, second I didn't even think I'd need bloodwork, thirdly the line to get blood took me like an hour to get through. I know they're busy and have lots of patients but it was still nuts. There were few seats, I was standing in the hall, barely able to hear the lab tech call your number, just totally annoyed me. They need a new area, larger waiting room. But then again there have been times I've seen no one there waiting, and yet this time it was packed. So I don't know quite how to feel right now. Somewhere between thinking what-did-i-do-wrong-in-my-life-to-deserve-this, why me? and wanting to curl up into a ball hiding from civilisation. Worst thing about it all, is another waiting list I get added to. It took me almost 5 months to see this specialist and I'm already looking at waiting a year to see the liver specialist. I'm really only being sent there because they want those specialists to make sure the liver is a-ok. *sigh* Where's my normalcy?
Well I guess that's all for now, nothing much more to say. But I shall insert a quiz..

you are Winnie the Pooh!! you care about others and
have alot of friends... but you have to stop
eating man!!
What cartoon character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Surprise, surprise, I'm Winnie the Pooh. I've always said we were twins, it's like looking directly into a mirror lol.
{current mood} A bit depressed and exhausted
{currently reading} "Into the Woods" by V.C. Andrews still...
{currently watching} "The Simpsons" so funny...yumm popcorn chicken
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