Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

{..::Topic::..}: When did life become so boring?

Sadly enough, life is way too boring lately, maybe yearly. As I approach the end to yet again another year, I can't help but to look back. I often think back to what I thought this new year was going to be about and what new and exciting things could happen. Sadly, I don't think anything all that exciting or riviting did occur. To put it bluntly, nothing has changed. Same friends, same house, same everything. Only difference I'm working in the hospital and studying instead of just plain studying and I got more health issues. Well I did get some new cousins, but doesn't really have all that much to do with me.

Any ways, so as the story goes every year starts out the same, except last year. Last year's New Year's Eve rocked. Hung out with the girls and had a blast. This year it's back to the mundane and uneventful, ringing in the New Year alone, sucks to be me. Actually I have top my previous years. I'm now an even bigger loser than before. I'm spending my New Year's Eve doing homework and hanging out with my parents. YIKES!!! I should not be doing that at 21, it's really sad. Actually I do have two dates, unforunately they are both bitches. LOL, really they are. One's a sassy poodle and the other is a llapso terrier X (I think). It's just keeps getting more and more sad as the day/night goes on. Sure I'll laugh at this one day, but it's pretty depressing right now. Oh well I shall survive and life with go on.

So to one and all a very happy New Year's and good luck and health to all those reading this drabble.

Later days


{..::current..mood::..} Bitter but still good
{..::currently..reading::..} Assignment for school
{..::currently..watching::..} Little Nicky
{..::currently..listening::..} "Love Vibration" Josh Rouse
{} In bhutan, all citizens officially become a year older on new year's day


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