{..::Topic::..}: Another Quiz Outbreak

Which Part of a Meal Are You?Find out!
So great, I'm well-rounded and delicious. I mean I knew I was well rounded but delicious good to know, I should pass that on. Ok who are we kidding, good at problem solving though? riiiiiiiight...

Which CHICAGO Character are You? Find out!
I'm a man. I'm a man who gets totally walked upon. But it's almost right on the button there, except for the fact I have two x's in my genetic makeup.

Which Female Buffy Character are you? Find out!
RIIIIIGHt, me buffy? need I say more... ok moving on..

Which Holiday are YOU? Find out @ RelentlessDivas.Net!
Confused yes. Life of party, no. Flirty, HAH! Born leader? People flock to me? I think not...

Which Pirates of the Carribean character are you? Find out @ RelentlessDivas.Net!
Yay, I'm a kick-ass girl. Even better is that I get Orlando Bloom, yummy. *drooool*... ok where was I?, right, Orlando Bloom...need I say more ladies

Which Music Type are You?Find out!
So I'm pop music? Technically I hate myself then, because pop music is pretty annoying right now, oh wait that is right I AM annoying LOL

Which Disney Princess are You?Find out!
It's right, no comments here. But damn, I have to find me a beast first to find me a man, darn. Oh well, at least I get a rocking library and talking teapots.

Which Flower Are You?Find out!
I'm seductive? Uhhh, are we really talking about me?

Are You Crazy??Find out!
Look I'm certified as SANE. Wow, I thought the day would never come. HAH! Who are we kidding, I'm far from sane...more accurately I'm INSANE. what?? Time for my meds, ok nice man in white coat.

What's Your Personality?Find out!
Nothing more to say.

Which Reese Witherspoon are you? Find out!
Yay, I loved that movie. But how sweet is that, you have two men in love with you and both are pretty fine, although I must say Jake was a hundred million times more hot.

What Nervous Habit are You? Find out!
{..::current..mood::..} anxious
{..::currently..reading::..} Radiographic Principles
{..::currently..watching::..} my screen
{..::currently..listening::..} a Lillix song
{..::useless.fact.of.the.day::..} The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.
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