{..::Topic::..}: My class has gone bonkers
I've decided I want to live in my own little world, that didn't involve my class. Or rather the 5 other classmates I have to deal with on a daily basis. They've all dived into the realm of insanity. It's like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. I've had my head ripped off quite a few times lately by my "friends" and I've had enough. I don't dare say anything to anyone because I can't trust any of them. They're allowed to disagree with me, but if I don't agree with them and verbalize it, I get my head ripped off. Explain that to me. I like to think I'm a fairly easy going person at times and that I don't let things get to me (well not as much as they used to) but these people are driving me insane. Thank goodness for rotations, phew! I'm sticking with my just listen and don't want to hear any of the bitching and whining. I said that today and got my head ripped off. I even stood up for MedRad barbie (to a certain degree) and was punished for it. I GIVE up. Sure I don't like some of the stuff she says or does but that is just who she is. Take it or leave it, she won't change, so why should I get in her face and tell her what I don't like about her. Sure she's whining and complaining that everyone hates her. I don't hate her, I just hate some of the stuff she says and does. But of course someone had to get in her face this week, Short-Tempered lady (to name names) and now we're all supposed to tell Med Rad Barbie why we hate her, if she asks us. Is it only I who thinks this is crazy?!?! Any ways, suffice it to say, I'm not allowed to say anything about her, which by the way I don't, or at least not half as much as they complain about her, but whatever. I've known not to trust any of them since the beginning of the year, but it still pisses me off. Instead I'm just going to ignore them complain about eachother and not say anything (which then gets taken as I'm mad at everyone and stuff- it's happened before). I'm just sick of the melodramatics of my class. So ends my rant for the day. This is just baffles me that they are all so immature. I'm the youngest and at times feel I the most mature.
Well my week is officially screwy. I'm so lost on time and dates that next week should prove to be entertaining. Today felt like a monday (a very long monday), so I can only imagine what dates I'll be thinking are which next week. It's sort of humorous - to me anyways.
Tomorrow I have all day seminars, blah. Not looking forward to that. Plus it's all the members of class together again, yikes. More cliques, I can hardly wait. I even have to write a paper, which by the way I have no clue what I'm supposed to be writing, but I'm writing a paper. Got to love people whom are very vague about everything.
hehehe That 70s Show is hiliarious. I stopped watching the show a few years ago, but lately it's been a real hoot. Tonight's episode has been extremely entertaining. Red and Kitty having sex, the first time since Red's heart attack instead of having a surprise party for Eric's 18th birthday. hehe. Kitty even told the kids that, it was so funny. Although the age thing doesn't quite make sense, I suppose I'm not really suppose to realise that but of course I do. Of course I am confused why Jackie is painting Donna's room for herself, but tv confuses me often. Especially 'Alias.' I'm confused and hanging on the edge of my seat again. The first few episodes were a little dry but it's picking up now, yay sweeps. I just hope Vaugh's wife goes bye-bye soon, because I can't stand that character. She's E-VIL.
Quiz Time. Quiz Time!!

Fun and spunky, you link, there for you are! This is all fun and games, and you do what you damned well please!
What kind of blogger am I?
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"You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss". Your romance is Casablanca. A classic story of love in trying times, chock full of both cynicism and hope. You obviously believe in true love, but you're also constantly aware of practicality and societal expectations. That's not always fun, but at least it's realistic. Try not to let the Nazis get you down too much.
What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
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What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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How much of a pottymouth are you?
{..::current..mood::..} Between wishing I was rich and never having to study and feeling a little blue
{..::currently..reading::..} a bunch of dry x-ray text books
{..::currently..watching::..} 'That 70s Show'
{..::currently..listening::..} same as above
{..::useless.fact.of.the.day::..} The dot that appears over the letter "i" is called a tittle.
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