Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Monday, March 22, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: As per title...Opps, I broke my bra

Talk about weird. I've been saying for days that I need another new bra. Of course I don't want to get a new one because I'm cheap and don't want to go and spend around $100 for one. Then low and behold I'm sitting in the car today when I hear a pop. I said to myself "Wow self, if I didn't know better I'd say my bra broke." I think nothing of it though. It wasn't like I was going to feel myself up to see if it was broken in the backseat of the car. Later I was running into a store (because it was so damn cold out) and I was telling my mom that I thought my bra was broken. Running reminded me of this. Once again I was out in public so I wasn't about to find out. I get home and sure enough I moved a certain way and my bra sort of did this popping thing. I mean underwire bras are supposed to be secure or somewhat secure against the breast bone or between the breasts whatever, right? Well see mine was sticking out forward, not a good thing. Sure enough the underwire has broken in half in one of the cups. Strange thing was, I was simply sitting in the backseat of the car, nothing more, nothing less, just sitting there. Strange. So now I have to go out and buy a new favorite bra, grrr!!

On a good note, no more nights. YAY!!! I finished my rotation and I'm still alive. Of course there is always the option of working nights when I graduate but I'm not thinking about that right now. Last night actually wasn't too bad. It wasn't as hectic as Saturday night, but it wasn't as dull as Friday night. It was just busy enough to keep you on your toes. No MVAs or anything like that. Most of the patients weren't in that bad of condition either, so it was a really nice night. Of course the tech left me in emerg all night, but whatever it really gave me the feel of working nights. Better luck last night then Saturday night. One of the techs is convinced I'm just unlucky or something. First the whole OR thing on Thursday then Saturday we get mandible x-rays to do and of course the panorex (the x-ray they use at the dentist for your teeth, which can also be used in the hospitals for jawbones[mandibles]) was broken. So we had to do them manually. It's not like they're that hard but still it's so much easier in the panorex, at least the patient wasn't intoxicated. Unlike our facial bones patient on Saturday, that was just funny. The one tech that thinks i'm unlucky was just laughing at the whole thing when I was telling her. It was funny though, I must admit. I attract the weird ones. Oh well, c'est la vie and that's how it goes. On a bonus note, no feeling nauseous or dizzy at all last night. I was actually pretty sick Saturday night and didn't realise until I got home. I crawled into bed and didn't wake up until almost 6 at night. I slept for almost 10 hours, and still felt a little sick. I just barely made it into the house though. I was worried about last night after that but I ended up looking and feeling a lot better than I did on Saturday night so that's good. But I digress and so ends my nights saga.

Alias night last night. I realise I didn't comment, but then again I'm having a hard time remembering what day it is right now. Interesting episode, at least someone has finally figured out the she-whore. Yay! Took people long enough and it was almost too obvious. Seriously people?!? Very intriguing episode though. Not as enjoyable as watching Sark and Vaugh together, but still enjoyable. The season seems to be picking up, good good. Here's hoping she-whore is gone soon. The teaser for next week's episode was quite favorable though. Can't wait....

So it's almost midnight and now I'm fully awake. Damn you nights!!! Well I'd be less tired if my brother had actually woken me up at 2 this afternoon like he was supposed to. Instead he forgot and woke up me after 4pm. So now I'm a little too awake to go to bed. I didn't expect to sleep as long as I did today. Last few nights I had to take gravol to fall asleep but today I simply ate some breakfast, crawled into bed and fell asleep in seconds. Next thing I knew my brother and his gf were in my room telling me to wake up. Strange bunch.

Later on in the evening I decided to go shopping with my brother and his gf. I actually went out with the intention of buying something. I even took money out of my infamous money jar. Anyone who knows me knows that by taking money out of my money jar means a huge step for me, seeing how I like to hoarde my money there. But alas, I came home with nothing but was kicking myself. See I was torn on buying a DVD and decided not to. Then I got home and decided I should have bought it so I went to get it at a nearby store. I also went to get some pictures that were developped from halloween. Unforunately for me, the stupid store didn't have my DVD, damn them. At least I got those hiliarious pictures from halloween. Theresa you'll have to see them, they are beyond words. I wish spending money came easy to me, like it used to. I really need to get all my comps so that I can pick up shifts at the hospital and make some money. Looking forward to that. Money, money,!!

Well so concludes a day in the life....


{..::current..mood::..} indifferent
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:ootp
{..::currently..watching::..} angel
{..::currently..listening::..} angel
{} An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. The differences in flavor are caused by their smell. To prove this - pinch your nose and take a bite from each. They will all taste sweet.
{} [the assassin Sark is introduced as an ally]
Marshall: Hi. Welcome. Don't kill me.
{} Liz: Since I told her that you broke my heart -- without any of the alien details, of course -- she thinks that we should just take things slow. Just dinner, then straight home, no plans for future dates. No making out.
Max: So I suppose skinny dipping would be against the rules, too.



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