Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Where oh where did Sunday go?

FYI I added a new page to my fanart website. All alias themed, of course. I haven't even watched ALIAS yet today. I'm clutching the tape in my hand right now though. As always dinner was served when the show come on air, so I have to watch it after this post.

As I was saying, where did my sunday go? I really need to start getting up earlier than 11:30 on weekends. Actually I need to start doing a lot more things in my life and a lot less of other things. Plus I'm getting really stressed about this upcoming test and paper. At least I have tons of info for my paper now, a little bit of a relief but still major stressed about this test.

Studying I shall do this week. Or rather, I'm saying that now and we all know it won't happen. But it better because I have to babysit on Saturday (no idea what times though), we lose an hour next weekend, and I don't get to study the night before the test because I'm working evenings. Grr! Seriously this course is annoying when it comes to scheduling. Only 30 odd weeks or so and I'll be done, provided I pass that national, which I will if i get my ass in gear.

Any ways off to enjoy 44 minutes full of alias tv. Ciao!





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