Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Eerie

Well that was sort of eerie. I was doing my regular checking everyone's blogs out and thought it was humorous that Lynnsey's blog also mentioned Wonderfalls and cancelled shows. (Screw you TV!! I shall defy just wait and see!!!!)

Update on the boob front (ok that just totally sounds wrong...but you get what I mean, right?). Any ways as I was saying, new bra still pissing me off. I've now developed hives from wearing it. Seriously, how much can one person handle from a stupid bra. My side hurts from new bra, while I'm still sore in areas from the one that punctured me from the underwires. I have no luck with bras. I need a sort of custom one, one where the straps actually stay on my shoulders without having to hem it or one that doesn't apply unnecessary pressure to my already enlarged and sensitive liver or whatever. *sighs* Dreams I have, so unrealistic. Ok I have the best solution for it all, but I'm sort of failing at it, so I'm pretty much just accepting my status as Jabba. At least he didn't have to wear a bra!!!

Ok now that I'm really truly lost my mind (yes I know what you're thinking, what mind?) I'm going to bed, seriously.


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