{..::Topic::..}: What? Only three Aliases left?
Yes I just came this stunning conclusion. Only three episodes, unless they do a 2 hour season finale, then there are only two left. ACK!! What am I going to do? I'll go mad this summer.
In other news, got another comp today. I actually stayed an hour LATER to get it. I lost my precious study time to do my comp. I did try for another but it's not really what the requirements were, so I have to run it by my CI. Of course she'll say no but whatever. Friday I for sure have to get my stretcher chest comp, hopefully a little kid will need an xray (I missed one today because I was upstairs doing another exam I needed just for logbook). Grr!! Oh well no biggie.
So it's spring, which brings me to an interesting topic. The bunny mofia. Yes, you heard me right. The bunny mafia has returned. I found one of the mofia just recently. I have to protect my dog and train her to protect us again. I swear my house is cursed with crazy animals. Last year we had the squirrel that was in love with me, the dumbass robin and of course the bunny mafia. See the squirrel tried to get into my room, I woke up one day to find the squirrel hanging from the screen on my window, very frightening. The robin was an idiot that kept flying into my brother's window. It would spend hours upon hours banging into his window. Now the mafia is back and I can only wait to see what new creatures will be "visiting" us.
Oh well, so tomorrow shall be "fun" because it's the whole class together, yikes!
Any ways I'm off to do some studying. Laters.
{..::current..mood::..} a little tired
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:ootp
{..::currently..watching::..} channel surfing actually
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