Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

I suck

Yup, you heard me. I admit it. I actually do suck.

Total amounts of posts in June: 9 (v. bad)
Total amounts of posts supposed to made: 30 (minimum)
My goal was to post everyday. Obviously that fell by the wayside. Can't say it really mattered though. I mean, as my sole visitor and "fan" the total amounts of posts doesn't matter a whole heck of a lot.

Truth be told, it's been very insane time in my life. Seems to be slowing down though, thankfully. I can only handle so many bad things at a time (one week comes to mind...thank god that ended, but not soon enough and if I never live to see another one of thoses, it'll be too soon).

Summary June sucked pretty bad for a while there. Only good thing is that I made money, yay for money. I like money, I don't have much, spent too much in these past months, so I'm back to hoarding it like a squirrel hoards nuts pre-winter arrival. Plus there were parties (birthdays, grads, etc..), those were fun though.

Come to think of it, July isn't going to really let up either. Wedding (yay have an outfit for now, and it has color, actual bonifide colors), golf-tournament and another birthday. Plus less than 2 months and I'll be finished my course. YAY!!! Sadly, there aren't many jobs. *shakes fist, grumbling* Damn you!!! I will find a job though, mark my words, I will have a job come fall time!! Might be a ruddy night job, but at least it will be work where I am bring home some cha-ching.

Here are some humorous events took place in my absence:

1)Obviously people in my class think I'm a Lesbian. That damn Women Studies class from my past doesn't help the cause either. Apparently, Theresa is my "partner" because I'm taking her to my grad dinner. When asked what my date would like to eat at our dinner, I told my classmate, I was simply waiting for a reply from my friend. To that she answered, "Ok, well just as long as you let me know what your partner wants." I didn't actually think she said that and didn't say anything to correct her, I was too flabbergasted to say anything. I guess, because I don't devuldge info about my love life means I'm a lesbian. Yikes! News to me.

It reminds me of that "Sex And The City" episode I watched last week (same day as that comment was made) how Miranda was set up on a blind date of sorts. Unforunately for her she was unaware it was a set-up with another woman. The lawyers at her firm came to the conclusion she was gay because they never saw her with a guy. Seemed funny to me at the time. I just thought great, these people in my class are no different than those characters in the show. Just because I'm single and don't devuldge info about my love life(or lack there of) and decide to bring a close friend with me to grad means I'm a Lesbian. Thank goodness, I don't care much for my classmates and it's like water on a duck's back but it's funny as hell she made that assumption. Craziness.

2) Come back from Grand Forks a few days ago, the guy at the Canadian border was funny. I'm sitting in the back with my brother's dvd player with headphones on. I realise in the past that people think I'm younger than I actually am. We're entering Canada and the customs guy (CG) asked my dad "Is that your child in the back?"
dad: "Um, yes that is my daughter" as he hands CG our ID
CG: "So you are the father and she is the mother?" [meaning my mom]
dad: "yes, we are her parents"
They continue the rest of the usual questions but as we're leaving CG gives my dad a pin and magnet saying it's for "your daughter."

So either this guy is bizarre, or likes to give out flag pins and such (to which I won't complain because it was free and who wouldn't like free Canadian stuff) or he didn't look at my age on my ID realizing that I was 22 not 12. Who knows, it was just funny. The way CG was refering to me, was as if I were 12 or something.


{..::current..mood::..} tired (stupid winnipeg weather)
{..::currently..reading::..} just finished Bridget Jones' Diary (v. good, better than movie, actually quite different from movie)
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} Josh Kelley - "Everybody Wants You"



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