Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Friday, June 04, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Well I made it

Just a little after two and I'm actually still alive. I look and feel like I'm in a trance or drugged, but relatively still alert. This morning was the killer though. I wasn't sure I was going to make it through the morning, but I stayed. Phew! Not that I've really done much today though, more computer stuff than positioning, which was probably in my best interest. No I didn't fall asleep during positioning or taking an exposure though. I'm actually somewhat alert. Quiet but alert.

My feelings on the movie. I enjoyed it, but I think I expected more from it. Certain things were not right according to the book and such. Some parts might leave you confused if you hadn't read the book though and I think that's a shame to the viewers. Sometimes I even forgot that certain things happened that weren't in the movie but briefly touched upon. I don't like when they do that, you just sort of jump and leave out some somewhat important things. Nevertheless we all enjoyed the movie so that's all that matters. Too bad Lynnsey couldn't come though, wuss (just kidding). We'll just have to take her to another screening of something this summer (hopefully a weekend one though...).

Looking at the time I realise I should probably go back to the department and work until my day is complete.


{..::current..mood::..} dazed, confused and sleepy
{..::currently..reading::..} family pictures
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the computer humming
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