Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

100 things about me

Okay so I've had a LOT of free time on my hands. Well I've come across quite a few blogs that had various lists on it. Mostly they were the ones where people put 100 things about themselves on it. I jumped onto the bandwagon so here ya go.

  1. I was born the same year as Prince William.
  2. I share my birthday with George Burns, Federico Fellini, Patricia Neal, Bill Maher, Buzz (Edwin) Aldrin Jr., and Skeet Ulrich.
  3. I was born a few months before the Canadian Act of 1982 came out.
  4. My parents were told I was going to be born a male and have downs syndrome, boy where they off.
  5. I enjoy singing in the shower.
  6. I'd love to live in an Italian villa for a year.
  7. I enjoy baking, but not eating my own baking.
  8. My favorite songs are sad and depressing type.
  9. I'm a night owl.
  10. I enjoy asparagus.
  11. I always go out and stand in thunderstorms.
  12. I am a dog person.
  13. I wish I could have met my paternal grandmother.
  14. I am a gypsy descendent.
  15. I don't drink alcohol, smoke or do drugs and find all these a major turn-off.
  16. I hate any photograph with me in it.
  17. I enjoy cheesy romance movies.
  18. I am a hopeless romantic.
  19. I love my ouija board.
  20. I always eat the purple or blue smarties last.
  21. I've taken lessons in French, Spanish and Japanese
  22. I've just started teaching myself Italian.
  23. I actually enjoy cleaning sometimes.
  24. I love to organize.
  25. I am close with my family.
  26. I wish I saw my relatives more often.
    chocolate or vanilla cake? Vanilla cake, no contest.
  27. I've actually ran through my high school in platform runners.
  28. I've walked through my high school singing Christmas Carols.
  29. I hate liars and two faced people.
  30. I actually enjoy criticism (the helpful kind).
  31. I've almost died on a few occasions.
  32. I've had 3 intestinal operations.
  33. I plan on getting married by the time I'm 30.
  34. I will someday be traveling to Scotland, Ireland, Japan, France, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, and many other places.
  35. I've already planned out parts of my wedding.
  36. I know where I want to honeymoon.
  37. I have my future children's names picked out.
  38. My favorite flowers are blue roses.
  39. I am obsessed with ALIAS, Roswell, and Buffy.
  40. I'd rather take pictures of places than people.
  41. I can be shy.
  42. I am always hard on myself.
  43. My mom is my best friend.
  44. I am both a capricorn and an aquarius.
  45. I hate needles.
  46. I love dancing in the dark.
  47. I have a hard time trusting people.
  48. I am afraid of change.
  49. I have children size feet.
  50. I don't like phony people.
  51. I am not attracted to red haired or blond guys.
  52. I am obsessive-compulsive at times.
  53. I like to keep my money in the bank.
  54. I'm pro-choice.
  55. I've taken a Women Studies class.
  56. I think 80s cartoons are far better than any cartoon from the past 15 years.
  57. I love getting mail and e-mail.
  58. I get nervous phoning people, doesn't matter who.
  59. I don't eat seafood of any variety.
  60. I am for stem-cell research.
  61. I like to soak in a warm bath with a few candles burning.
  62. I have on brother, and we're nothing alike and I'm the oldest.
  63. None of my immediate family (maternal or paternal) have gotten a divorce.
  64. I was born premature, instead of being born in February I came in January.
  65. My anthem is "All by Myself" by eric carmen.
  66. On my 18th birthday I was taken to a bar mostly for 30 year olds.
  67. I would love to live near the ocean or lake one day.
  68. I like going outside in the summer and staring up at the stars.
  69. I like my eyes and smile the most about me.
  70. I'm a selective/picky eater.
  71. I don't like eating certain foods because of the their texture.
  72. I don't like rocking the boat.
  73. I'm not religious.
  74. I have many allergies, including food, pets, outdoors.
  75. I've lived in the same neighborhood my whole life.
  76. I'm a neat-freak.
  77. I actually enjoy watching soap operas, especially Days and Passions.
  78. I own too many books and movies from my youth.
  79. I wanted to pierce my nose when I was 16, but I am glad I didn't.
  80. I enjoy road trips.
  81. I've sprained both my ankles at one time.
  82. I've only broken one bone, in my arm.
  83. I once torn the tendons on my ankle/foot trying to jump over the coffee table.
  84. I can be very clumsy and accident prone.
  85. I don't like to drink warm drinks.
  86. I've had many dreams come to life.
  87. I've met Matchbox 20, Our Lady Peace, Cool for August and one member of Wide Mouth Mason.
  88. The fear of death and the unknown keeps me up some nights.
  89. Most of my childhood friends turned out to be sluts, addicted to drugs and alcohol all before 18.
  90. I've been hospitalized more times than I've gone on dates.
  91. I don't enjoy talking in front of groups of people.
  92. I once got my tongue stuck to the screen-door because I didn't believe it would get stuck to the door.
  93. I have few regrets in my life.
  94. If I won the lottery the first few things I would do is pay off my student credit line, renovate the house for my parents (or buy them a new one), buy a car and go on a year long trip around the world.
  95. I like pointing out plot-holes in movies and shows, or at least pointing out the obvious.
  96. I sometimes sleepwalk and talk in my sleep.
  97. I get drunk from drinking Pepsi.
  98. I have a very active imagination.
  99. I love the way mud feels between the toes.
  100. I love the feeling of Vicks Vapor Rub when I'm sick.



Blogger Theresa said...

Wow. I must say, I didn't know half of this stuff about you. Sorry about your 18th birthday, hun. I should have been there. :( I can't recall why I wasn't, it was so long ago.
So, you want to travel? We'll have to do that some day.

24/11/04 12:00  
Blogger Chrissy said...

Silly girl, I was the first to turn 18 in the group, so all I really had were my older cousins. Nothing beats turning 18 first and going to those kinds of bars though. LOL. Thirtysomethings dressed like 15/16 year olds. Ooooh fun... hehe.

24/11/04 18:39  

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