Is life catching up with me or what?
When did summer turn into winter into semi-spring? Funny how life just catches me by surprise.
With spring approching (and quite quickly, I might add) there is so much I have to do. First of all I said spring is when I get a car. Now normally a person would be excited, desu ne? Yes, of course they would! Me on the other hand, no looking forward to as much. I want a nice little Echo or Wave or something like that. Yet I'm not all that interested in paying the prices. On the other hand I'm not all that interested in buying an older car. So many decisions to make.
Okay maybe I'm just unrealistic and can't make decisions, great....
It sure beats waiting for your sibling to pick you, after he realizes he's gone to the wrong place. Still many decisions to make when buying a car. Lease or not to lease. Buy or not buy? Buy a car that is a few years old. Dealership or cartrader? Etc.. etc..
I hate growing up. But yay Lost and Alias on now...
Okay, I just have to mention that I !squeeeeeeed! and laughed for like, a full minute after I saw that you used desu né. Just squeeeeed right out loud ;)
Happy Valentine's Day!
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