Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Has it already been a week....

....but what a week it was. Wow!

Let's see it all started with going out shopping with my parent. Mainly to avoid the phone, but that's another issue. Any hoo, we were looking at flooring and living room decor, etc.. etc.. Boring, I assure you.

Each time we passed a dealership I'd hint that I wanted to just look at cars, namely Toyota and it's echo. I just wanted to look, nothing more. Just get a feel for it all, that way when I was really truly ready I'd have an excellent idea of what I wanted.

Finaly my dad caved in and we went. Of course we're pounced on when we walk in the door, but whatever. Saw the car, got in it, loved it. I even went as far as test drove it. The rest is history. Of course I didn't go out and buy it that day or anything. I need to think about it...

By Monday, the thinking was over and I was at the dealership buying a car. Woot! By Thursday I was picking up my car. My god did all those times at the dealership take a chunk out of my day. Man, that was the only drawback, it took forever. Oh well now I have my own car, yay! Best of all, the financing rate went down (because March is red tag days) plus I got more off because the graduate program. Plus I didn't need a co-sign.Yay!! Even my monthly payments went down by a lot because of the change in percent and the grad program. Go graduating!!

So yes, I finally have my own car. It's now black (because it was that or a 5 door or waiting at least a month for a silver one- not the option for me) but I'm happy. I think I like the black better.

Strange week though. I went from just going to look at a car, to having my own car parked in the drive-way. Of course it means less money for me, but meh. Next comes the awesome trip somewhere next year. Preferrably somewhere warm during the winter. Yeah that would be nice...

The only bad thing about this week was the fact I've been sick. Hopefully I'm not the reason you're sick Lynnsey, but if I am sorry. I blame my patients, yes, let's blame them. See I get better, then I get sick again. I think this was the first time I remained sick the whole week. I wasn't too sick to go to work or anything, just lots of headaches, coughing, sore throats, congestion and such. Today I have the joy of a plugged ear, always fun. Every time I blow my nose it hurts worse and sometimes it clears only to replug seconds later. Damn you cold season!!! Maybe I'll start wearing a mask at work, lol. I can see it now, "patients afraid to get x-rays due to technologist wearing a mask." Oh boy...

Any hoos

{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} ummm 'scarlett' (i've read all the books from christmas and my birthday plus all those lemony snicket books)
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "don't rain on my parade" - barbra streisand
{} Taken from "Now and then"
Roberta: ...Perky breasts!
Chrissy: Roberta, you know I don't like it when you swear.
Roberta: Chrissy, breast is not a dirty word.
Chrissy: I can't hear you.
Roberta: Breast.
Chrissy: Can't hear you.
Roberta: Breast.
Chrissy: Can't hear you.
Roberta: BREAST!



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