Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

An angel? only when she sleeps....

Kali, kali, kali...Seems those are the only words I speak at home lately. She's seriously driving us all crazy, the little nutball.

Yesterday, she decided she needed her own little adventure out of the yard. Once my brother wasn't paying much attention and let her escape. The next two times she escaped on her own. The one time was sort of funny, thank god I wasn't home during any of this.

The story starts with my mom and me talking on the phone (my work day was slow at this point). My mom is telling me how my dog is the devil and all that sort of normal conversation involving my dog. She puts the dog out and shortly after I get a patient so I do the x-rays. A few minutes later, I get a phone call telling me how Kali had escaped (for the second time in the day). My brother had just come home from work and thought 'how cute, a little bunny is in the neighbour's yard- wait a minute that bunny seems familiar- OMG it's not a bunny it's kali!!' so there he goes collecting my evil dog. Meanwhile my mom is thinking kali is sure taking a long time in the backyard, until my brother comes in saying he had a rabbit delivery for my mom.

I'm telling you my dog is pure EVIL!!! This isn't even including her new theory of not using her bathroom pads, hidding shoes, climbing on dressers, knocking over perfume bottles, stealing sleep masks and my favorite shredding kleenix ALL OVER the house.

Thank god she didn't run away far or anything. One wrong turn and she could have been squished by all the rushhour traffic.

I swear this dog will be the death of me one of these days...Right now she's good, but that's only because she's sleeping (on my shoulder, sort of wrapped around my neck like a scarf). But that's this minute, who knows what she'll be doing in a minute from now. Seesh... What was I thinking back in january?!?!?!

In other news..

Not a whole heck of a lot happening. Just me vegging out, bad me, bad. Plus I swear I'm not having the best of luck lately. For the past few weeks I've been toying with the idea of buying Felicity on DVD. But season one runs at $80 or so, which I think is stupid but that's because only future shop and stuff carry it, no superstore or anything has anything before season 2. GRR! Any ways, I decided I would get it today. Neither store I went to had season 1. Sure I could have bought the other 3 seasons for only $55 or so, but what's the point of seasons 2,3,4 without the first. I just couldn't believe my luck. The one store was a long shot, but I tried it anyways. But of course, even future shop didn't have a copy today! Seesh!

Other than that, it's all meh. Really looking forward to my week off (even if it includes my liver biopsy), although I haven't heard for sure i'm granted all the time off, but no news so far has to be good right? Right. Plus while I recover with my liver ordeal (as I wish to refer to it as) I get to watch the season finales of both alias and lost, WOOT! No work the following day. I can just re-watch and re-watch the season finales (provided I haven't decided to throw my tv out the window, so *fingers crossed*).

Any hoos, I'm tired so I think I'm gonna crawl into bed and sleep..

Later dayz...

{..::current..mood::..} tired and all stuffed up
{..::currently..reading::..} tangled web
{..::currently..watching::..} going to watch the flintstones
{..::currently..listening::..} treble charger "hundred million'



Blogger Theresa said...

Could be she's just deciding to live up to the name you guys chose for her. But then, I suggested it. My bad. Or maybe I was just really bang-on with thinking of that name. Well, it always takes a bit to get used to new pets. Look at us with Smeag. Yikes!

17/4/05 19:39  

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