Laptop treadmills rock!!!
Okay, so the laptop treadmills are only in some corporation in the states, I want one. I actually read an article in the paper a few weeks about this exact contraption (I vow to find that article, in order to share the brillance of it).
My version involves my brother's laptop (which I'm sure he'll love to learn I'm using it here), the top of our table from the coffee table, and obviously our treadmill. It's actually quite simple. Put wooden coffee table top over arms of treadmill, then place laptop on top of table. It's a sort of makeshift version, but it works darn it!! Do no mock, it's neat-o!
Well it's better than just sitting in front of a computer, or tv. Plus you can only watch so much tv on the treadmill before you become accostumed to knowing how long you've been on. Mind you I don't want a repeat of the whole "buffy-video-game-with-treadmill" incident of november 2004 because that was painful.
Of course who knows how long this fade will last, but right now I feel brilliant. I'm sure people do this all the time, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. What can I say, I'm not content with just doing one thing. I need to perpetually be doing a million things at once.
Next adventure....the bicycle...yay?!?!
So how was my day? Normal. Actually a nice day compared to other days this week. Plus 'Shred-it' (doesn't that just sound like some sort of evil bad guy?) finally came by work and shredded our old files, yay!! No more clutter in the file room. Of course the 'shred-it-guy' scared the crap out of me. He was all first. By the end he was actually laughing. Apparently our boxes were so big (to which I feel horrible for, but it wasn't my fault and no one warned us about the box sizes) that he ripped his pants a good ten inches in the butt. Mwhahaha. He was telling me this, it was amusing (luckily he thought it was funny, cause at the beginning we thought he was going to kill us...hehe). It was funny. Of course 'shred-it-guy' sounds like some sort of evil villian or jim carey villian like 'cable-guy' or at least karen and i thought so. It was all pretty humorous.
About the beach tomorrow? A go or not? It's supposed to be like how it was today, well the high is for 26, but cloudy. I'd still go, but we'll have to converse about this I suppose.
Any ways time for me to cool down by going to sobey's.... later gators!!
ps i still need to post about phoning the liver specialist (funny thing)...
Heya! I haven't talked to Carla yet, but give me a call when you get home, and I'll see if the three of us can work something out. Byes!
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