Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Friday, June 10, 2005

apparently computers hate me... yay

yes you heard me. So it WAS my monitor that was messed up. D'uh.

But being in such a hurry I never checked my backed up discs of info. Apparently they did not burn right, so I lost all of my information :( Now I must re-hunt for my downloads and such. I'm very sad about that. Plus I lost my closet of men and theories of alias season 5. Booo!!

Go figure.

So now I've lost everything I put on here in the last two weeks (except all my programs, just my files of pictures and icons and bookmarks). Oh well c'est la vie. It's not like I had school projects (THANK GOD that's oveR).


Other than that my day wasn't that horrible. Went to the forks, bought some cool stuff, and of course maple leaf fudge, yum! Plus it was our last group get together until TB comes back...Oh how I'll miss my tuberculosis...hehe.

Now I plan to recollect all of my missing icons and schtuff..

and yes I realize it's midnight and i work in the morning, but screw it!!!



Blogger Theresa said...

Oh, poor Baby C! That just really is le suck. Don't worry, you guys will be too busy to miss me much. I'll be back in no time. Then, we shall party like it's 1999. Hee

11/6/05 22:22  

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