Will the cleaning ever end?
Lately it seems that all I'm doing is cleaning. Yes, cleaning, you heard me.
This week's 'room-du-jour' involves my second bedroom, aka the spare bedroom. Since the yard sale, there has actually been room to move around in the room. Now there is a lot of room, since I organized things in there. See the only reason I really care for that room is (besides the point it houses more of my stuff) but when it's really hot out and the air conditioning on, that room is the coolest in the house; therefore the best room. So finally when or if it ever gets warm out again (fingers crossed for friday), I can hang out in that room chillin' (literally and figuratively).
Nothing much going on, still. Just the norm. X-raying, followed by more x-raying followed by boredom. The liver specialist still hasn't returned my phone call from last week. I'm getting really annoyed by this. Grrr!! That hospital is just too big!
Another busy day. Didn't help that when I arrived, I couldn't use the computer (such a pain in the ass) for the first few hours. Luckily enough, there wasn't more than 3 people waiting at one time. But I was thinking today about how fast I'm getting. It's almost a race against myself to improve my time. Maybe I'm just crazy but it's true. I'm actually timing myself taking certain x-rays. I'm nuts, but we already knew that.
On the subject of x-rays, I was reading in the newpaper today about how a man used x-ray to make a key. Sure that sounds crazy because x-rays can't make anything but x-rays of the body (or other metallic items). Apparently two friends were kidding around and the one guy swallowed a key. (I'll be sure to scan the article later). Any ways, that guy knew his friend really needed that key (and I guess couldn't wait for the key to pass through the gastrointestinal tract), so this guy apparently had an x-ray of his stomach and took it to a keysmith, where they manufactured a key for the friend's truck.
Just goes to show you how versatile x-rays can be. Of course, I have some issues with this story. To make a key from the x-ray, that key would have had to been perfectly flat in the body, not all angled (unless they just kept taking pictures until they got a x-ray perfect...totally against the rules though). Craziness.
Any ways, I've got a massive headache from being in the spare room. So I'll catch y'all on the other side. Later!
{..::current..mood::..} bored..as usual
{..::currently..reading::..} 'pearl in the mist' and 'little white lies'
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} whatever my mom is watching (thank god it's not 'holmes on homes')
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