Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Holidays, Sweet Sweet Holidays

*sigh of relief* Phew, finally. Holidays are here. YAY!!! *Kermit Dance* YAYY!! One week free of anything x-ray related, woot!! Plus I still get paid for not being there. It's great! Plus Minneapolis is booked and all set up so yippee!

Not too much going on. Family last weekend, family this weekend, which always means hours and hours of cleaning because Kali can't seem to keep the house neat and tidy. I should have made another hair appointment like last weekend, ensuring I didn't have to do the last little bit of work, hehe.

Seeing how it's already Thanksgiving (how did that happen?), that means Christmas isn't that far away. This weekend, I'm sure our family will do our annual, pull names for one another for Christmas. I guess I should get cracking on a Christmas list, or my grandma will have my head. She's a little nutty that one.

Work's been going ok though. Alf is still getting my nerves and everyone else's nerves but not much to do about it right now. Of course one day when she was at the other clinic Karen (lab tech) was talking on the phone to Franca (other x-ray tech) and she was asking about why Alf didn't answer the phone for Franca, and I said she probably was chasing cats. Hee hee. Mean, I know, but seriously she looks like Alf because of certain mannerisms and facial expressions.

Well seeing how I have a rumbly in my tummy, I'm going to quench it.

Later peeps!


[mood] - somewhat relaxed
[book]- HP:GOF
[listening to]- my mom ranting and 'Ella Enchanted'



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