Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Gosh darn those signs!

Yesterday I came home from work to find my Kraft Kitchen's magazine. I totally love that magazine, its best mail a person can get. As it turns out this was not the only thing in the mail. Apparently the 'Gods' are still trying to send me a sign.

From time to time I receive all sorts of solicitations in the hopes of luring me away to Alberta, England or just plain Europe in general. In most cases it is aimed at CT techs, but for whatever reason, I get these things. Honestly I have no clue how I get them, but whatever. Normally I just toss them in the trash because they are of no interest to me.

This time is a bit different. Apparently the 'Gods' are still sending signs for MRI because this time the little pamphlet is about taking MRI by correspondence. How insane is that? Of course most techs that graduated around the same time as me, I'm sure received this too, but I thought it was funny. Of course I would never do this correspondence version, but all of these 'so-called' signs are driving me nuts.

It is that time for year though. Most people have to apply by April or so, this means they have to bombard with pamphlets about various difference programs and moving to another area of the world. It’s completely nuts.

I just am so torn about this decision. Do I or do I not go into MRI. Some days I don’t even know if I want to even continue in the medical field.  I guess everyone has days like these but lately I’m able to think of more. My mother parading around telling everyone I’m going back to school next fall isn’t helping the cause either. I’m convinced more people “know” I’m returning to school than me. Why can’t life be simple again? Back in the days when the hardest choice you faced was ‘blue’ or ‘green’ crayon?


Is it wrong I just feel like sleeping and waking up years in the future after all these decisions have been made? Fine, that’s illogical, but what do you expect? I am almost 24 (9 days - unfortunately) and have yet to accomplish half of anything I expected to have achieved by now.

Even watching the tv show ‘Scrubs’ last night was reminding me of this fact. In this particular episode J.D. was going on how he hadn’t completed a list he had made for when he turned thirty. I have no such list, at least not tangible but nonetheless I could relate to this.  I have lots to achieve just not enough will power. *pulls hair out* Grr!

But on this note I digress…

The days are approaching Theresa and mine trip to Las Vegas! Woot to that! I will even have my own little Passport before we go, or at least I <strong>should</strong>. Finally the trip is starting to feel real. I’m starting to think I’m just becoming numb to life, how creepy. But at least I will have Vegas. It should be fun. A week of gambling and bright lights and all that jazz! Not quite looking forward to flying, but hey, it’s still Viva Las Vegas!!!

I can’t believe we’re actually going to do it. How incredible. We are even going to catch a ‘Cirque du Soleil’ show, so I’m all pumped. Plus no winter coats and defrosting the car during that time, yay! Plus it’s without the family, bonus!

Other than this, nothing new and exciting is coming just Vegas. Keep in mind every time I say “Vegas” I’m doing a “Steve Holt, ” and if you know me, like I’m sure you do, you know <i>exactly</i> what I mean by this.  I just can’t stop doing the ‘Holt,’ as I’m officially calling it.  It’s just so much fun. What can I say; I’m slowing regressing back into my childhood.

That reminds me that we should all go sledding one day. I haven’t going tobogganing in <i>years</i> but I’m willing to give it a chance. Broken bones be damned! As God as my witness I will go sledding this year! Yea!

On that note, I am tired and I shall proceed to my chamber of sleep.

Later days.


Blogger Lynnsey said...

Dude, totally? When are you guys going, that's so awesome! Should I start calling you guys Sugar Mommas now, or should I wait until I can poke/annoy you with it?

Catch ya later!

11/1/06 23:49  

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