Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: I am The Zeppo

Maybe I'm being a tad melodramatic or something, but I think I'm actually disappearing from existance and becoming the forgotten one. It begins slowly and only know have I noticed. At one time I was lively and well liked. Now I'm lucky if people even remember I'm in the room or something. Have I done something so horrible that I don't even remember it? Am I that horrible of a person? Honestly, because it's really starting make me wonder. If past lives in fact do exist I must have done something horific, in regards to all the crap I'm putting up with now. Maybe I am a spoiled princess or something, I don't know but I'm fed up. I'm about to pack my bags and just leave. If it weren't for this damn program I'd probably be doing something worthwhile. I swear I need a vacation or some sort of purpose in life. Maybe I'm having a quarter-life crisis or something, again. I'm just trying to piece together everything that has gone wrong lately.

As it turns out, my week hasn't improved yet. It's actually plummeted more, if that's possible. Sadly there is still another day this week. I can only imagine all the wonderful things that are still to come. I know, think positive but sadly I have and it's not done a damn thing for me. In fact I think it's making things worse. I woke up today wanting the day done as it was. It started off that great. I was almost late for school, yet again. I swear I cannot get my father to leave 5 minutes earlier. Sure I should be thankful for just getting a ride to and from there and it's not like I'm not thankful, all I want is to not be so fricken rushed in the morning. I literally have ten minutes (if I'm lucky that day) to get in the hospital, changed, take my stuff to the classroom and then report to the room I'm in for that day. It would be easier if they were all close but they're all 5 minutes apart because of all the stairs and curves I have to take. The morning wasn't too bad then BAM! it hit, req after req kept coming and we couldn't get ahead of it. I'm sure that could have been my fault, I swear I was just incompetent today. Nothing was going good for me. Juts another horrible day in what I've dubbed "the Worst Week in Years." Then the whole afternoon was devoted to reviewing the test (where I made so many STUPID mistakes, ugh it makes me furious). Then my evening plans fall through, like they always do. Thank god the day is almost over and for melodramatics. But hell I'm pissed and I have every right to be. Nothing makes a girl feel better than being forgotten, but hell I'm getting used to it.

Hopefully next week will be better.


{..::current..mood::..} pissed off and fed up
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing
{..::currently..watching::..} Tru Calling
{..::currently..listening::..} commericals?
{} "Write this down. E-M-E-T-I-B. You got that? Now reverse it." -Syd



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