Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Friday, April 23, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: My family is obviously on crack!

Another startling conclusion... my family is seriously retarded.

First my mom tells me how my dad has this "brilliant" for me going to Brandon. He's great idea is that I take my mom's car and drive out there. *gasp* What a shock!!... The man's an idiot sometimes. I have no idea what he thought I meant when I said I didn't have a car, d'uh. But he's male so we have to humour him and make him think that's the greatest idea in the world. Seesh.

Then my parents were bickering in the kitchen about something, then my brother was involved and it was just a mess. They're all nuts. Days like these make me count the days until I can move out (only a year). Yup, I've decided that by this time next year I want to be looking for another place to live. Of course that won't happen, but I can dream right?

But the dinner bell tolls so I must go and become jabba....




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