Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: People at movies are funny

Well I went and saw "13 Going on 30." It was cute and enjoyable. A little refreshing from some of the crap out there. One of the highlights included when people in the audience were crying, no joke. They were actually sobbing and saying how sad it was. One girl was actually sobbing in an almost hysterical way. Only problem is that it wasn't THAT sad. I don't even think it was sad at all. It was amusing to both Chrissy (no, not me, the other one) and I. Reminds me of all the times that I've seen movies where people have applauded the film. That has always driven me nuts. The most vivid memory I have is when I was D2, and people were just clapping them as if they were real. Just too funny to me. But I digress...

It was good though. The lead guy was cute in a scruffy way. Very enjoyable....

Then after leaving the movie there were girls around 14 that were wearing short pleaded skirts. Seriously, why do you need to wear clothing like that if you're only seeing a movie, what is this world coming to. The younger girls get the less clothing they are wearing. At this rate my unborn 5 year old is already a tramp because she'll be wearing clothes like that by that age. How sad is that that my 5 year old is a tramp and she's not even born, what a shame...

Oh and in other news, I've lost my wallet. Oh, I'm just having a wonderful day. I only figured it out minutes before I was to go to the movies. I still haven't found it and I've torn apart the house so I have no clue and quite pissed off about it. I assume it's in the other car *crosses fingers* here's hoping.


{..::current..mood::..} tired
{..::currently..reading::..} hp:ootp
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} the tv my mom is watching



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