Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Friday, May 28, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: It's Friday, whoo!

Finally, I thought the weekend would never get here. The first week back after any sort of vacation is always hard. I had a pretty uneventful week, but today was just nuts. Cripes!

One comp left. Yup, you heard me, only one. I got my OR comp this week. What made it better was that fact that I'm the only student that did an angio. Plus I went in with the portables/OR supervisor. I totally rock. They suck and I rock. Ok I'm crazy, but whatever. At least I only have one comp. Unforunately my CI is going to send me to children's so that I can get my peds comp. DAMN you under 5 year olds that aren't coming to my hospital!! Remember if they're under 5 trip them and make sure they come to my hospital with some sort of skeletal pain. Just kidding...

Not all that much more happening. Haven't really gotten that far in my buffy dvd watching, but I am a little disappointed in the special feature. They seem to be getting less and less. The gag reel was pathetic and such. Why must they suck? Why I ask you.





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