Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Thursday, May 20, 2004


Horrible, HORRIBLE news...

It's so horrible you'll think I'm lying. Remember don't kill the messenger.

I have such sad, sad and horrible news. It involved my favorite show. I suggest if you don't think you can stomach it, don't continue, it's just horrible. But don't worry it's not cancellation (that would just be fatal)...

I'll hide it, so just hi-lite it with your cursor if you want to really know *sniff, sniff*

I was reading at the Watch with Kristin site and she's talking about the new seasons. Ok all fine and dandy. I mean I know ALIAS is coming back for sure. Can't wait until the fall. Sadly the season finale is this weekend, but I mean it does come back in September. That means just shortly after S3 comes out, it'll be back on the air. Yay...


Turns out the new guy, is having it return to ABC during the midseason. Commence screaming *screams, while running around the house like a chicken with it's head cut off and arms going in all directions*

*continues screaming and begins ranting* Nnnoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

Ok I'm better now, but still, midseason ?!?!?!

Here's the exact quote from that page *shakes head in disbelief* I still can't believe it. I lose Spike, my friends and now I have to wait until I'm 23 to continue watching Alias. This is sooo very wrong. But here's the quote

Steve McPherson, who has been in charge of ABC for exactly 29 days and has already peeved us Alias fans. He moved the show back to a midseason start in order to kick off another series, Desperate Housewives.

But here's the thing: Housewives actually looks incredible--and you know that if it were anything less, I would be cursing it from the rooftops. The other ABC shows on the schedule also look good, believe it or not, especially Life as we Know It, touted as My So-Called Life for boys, from the people who brought us Freaks and Geeks.

After talking to McPherson, I actually have big faith that this guy knows his stuff--even, gulp, when it comes to Alias.

"The biggest problem with Alias is it loses its momentum," he said. "The viewers kept getting interrupted with repeats, and to me, it felt smart to come out with consecutive episodes."

This made me giddy: "JJ came to me at the end of this season," McPherson explained. "He said, 'I want to get back to what really inspired me about this show.' I guess he had seen 13 Going on 30. He saw that light in Jennifer Garner. And he wanted to get that heart back in the show. So, we wanted to give him enough time and a good platform to launch that." Go here if you think I'm kidding.

It better be worth it (the wait, I highly doubt that housewife show is worth pushing alias) or there will be hell to pay!!! Now I guess I can agree with keeping it all together so not to lose momentum, cause that did happen, but still GRRR *shakes fist angrily at ABC* I guess this move means that less hiatus, less repeats, etc.. That will be good, but still, midseason ?!?!?!? This does not please me... But I digress (rest assured this is not that last of this topic you'll hear from me!).

Ok, phew! I said it... I just had to share that with everyone.



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