Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: What's a few 40 weeks or 280 days?

Yes, that is how many weeks/days there are minimally until the next new Alias.

Here's a list of things that can/will happen in that amount of time...

1. I could have a child in that time.
2. I could move out.
3. I'll know more about my dysfunctional liver.
4. I'll have a job.
5. The majority of new shows premiering this fall will have bombed.
6. The majority of new shows premiering this summer will have bombed.
7. Season 3 DVD will be available.
8. The new year will have arrived.
9. Everyone will be 10 months older.
10. We're all bound to forget the storyline or lose interest because of the wait.
11. Extreme Makeover Home Edition will have redone my house (ok that's just wishful thinking).
12. Hopefully all viewers will have forgotten the Lauren incident.
13. An average of 120/160 new movies will open at the boxoffice.
14. There will be at least 120 lottery draws.
15. Burger King will have used approximately 5,000,000 lbs of bacon.
16. Dunkin' Donuts will have sold approximately 31,500,000 donuts.
17. A person will have laughed an average of 4,200 times.
18. Three seasons will have passed, summer, fall and winter.
19. Every three seconds, a new baby is born, therefore 8,064,000 babies will be born (approximately).
20. Your heart will have beaten approximately 29,030,400 times.
21. You will have taken an average of 4,838,400 breaths.

Ok now that I have put in WAY too much thought into this, I shall move on.

Weekend was kind of sucky, as per usual. It was too cold to go out in the rain. Goodness knows I did try, but it was all too cold. It needs to be warm and slighty humid to be nice, but this is wasn't. I did plan on having a bonfire, but that thought washed away with the rain. I ended up cleaning all weekend. Today was laundry sorting. I never want to see another sock for as long as I live. It took me the amount of time of watching Harry Potter 2 to sort all the socks. So damn annoying. Plus no one helped me in cleaning because they're all evil in my family (except my mom, she was at work).

But I digress.


{..::current..mood::..} tired and wish it weren't Sunday night already
{..::currently..reading::..} Summer Sisters
{..::currently..watching::..} /
{..::currently..listening::..} /
{} meh



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