Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

When it rains, it pours...literally

Seems the weather has decided to turn to rainy. We finally get some relatively nice days with actual sunshine and heat and now we've got rain. Normally I like rain but hello? it's july and we've seen little sun and had way below normal temps. What's up with that? (can you say greenhouse gases?).

My life. Normally filled with so many hours of studying, procrastination in regards to study and dread. Barely time to see friends (who are you guys again?) and family (not a big loss there). What are the chances that for once, I make plans and wouldn't you know it, I get invited out. Seriously, what the hell? No one phones me cause we all live busy lives, them BHAM! "wanna join us?" "wanna go out and do something" I need a longer saturday. ACK! Haven't got my plans figured out yet though. Let's see. It boils down to seeing a friend I haven't seen in a while, going to the Taste of Manitoba (never been there, sounds interesting, but have been having bowel issues lately), and having my dad's birthday (where he feels no one likes him, pfff!). When it rains, it pours with me. Two crazy weekends, then I'll have nothing for a long time (watch and see). But I digress.

End of school is getting cut-throat. I'm about ready to bitch-slap the people in my class. One person specifically, actually. This one is literally treading on thin ice with me. They all complain how there are little jobs and then are planning to go under others feet and steal things from them. UGH!!! I'm just so glad I chose a program where we were told there would be MANY jobs at graduation. Sadly, I don't see any of such jobs. Then with that one annoyance in my class, none of us will be able to get a job because they keep fucking us over. I'm just a tad bitter and pissed off. Plus my classmates keep ruling me out of certain jobs because they think I don't want them, HAH! I'm just not being jerks like they are and being big complaining babies. I've never seen so many people complain so much in my life. (mind you I am complaining right now, at least I don't do it at the work place, seesh). I just want to graduate and get the hell away from these psychopaths.


{..::current..mood::..} grumpy, not feeling well and realizing crappy to no jobs available upon graduation and feel like I'm being crapped on (which I know I am)
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing, I finished both bridget jones's diary books
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} "Catch us if you can" dave clark five



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