Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Monday, September 27, 2004

State of d'uh

The day after...

Today's what I call the day after. Everything goes back to normal, and that it has. I wake up to an empty house and a house to continue cleaning and filling out application forms. Actually I was awaken when my dog, no joke, kicked me in the boob. Yup, that's right. It really hurt, then she just climbed over me like I was mount everest and demanded the door be opened. Some nerve... lol

I put her outside and then she had the nerve to attack the garbage. I give up with her. Worst of all when I put her out later she did it again, with me standing right there. So I built what I thought was a great defense wall, but that dog still managed to squeeze her little body to rip a higher part of the garbage. UGH!!! Now she need a bath because she's all grimy from crawling and squeezing and of course putting her snout in the garbage back. She's nuts!!!

Other than that, I've done some cleaning, updated my blog and finished my book. My to-do list is super long, but my head is just killing me so I'm going at a super slow pace. I think a snail might beable to surpass me in speed. Oh well. I digress..

Well I'm off, I must clean up the kitchen so that I can make some grape jelly tonight.


{..::current..mood::..} still exhausted and with a horrid headache
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing, I finished my book earlier :(
{..::currently..watching::..} a toss up between 'starting over' and 'passions'
{..::currently..listening::..} gordon lightfoot's "if you could read my mind'



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