Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Hi my name is chriss, and I'm addicted to the movie channels

Slight problem with our new MTS tv. I'm addicted to the movie channel. Soo many good movies are coming up, I want to tape them all. Even movies I'd heard of and couldn't find to rent have been on. It's great. Digital quality, no commercials, I think I'm in heaven. LOL. Ok my life doesn't revolve around that but it's great fun.

I even was able to watch most of the superman movies. They were showing the first three back-to-back, so I enjoyed that (curse you movie channel, curse you!). It's interesting to see the original Lana Lane, now that I'm more familiar with her playing Clark Kent's mother on 'Smallville.' Sure the movies are slightly corny, they're still enjoyable. I did miss the conclusion of Superman 3, but I've seen it before.

Today been busy. I've been running around. I finally got my grad photos from, well obviously grad. They're actually pretty nice. I'm still not a huge fan of the all white top and black bottoms, but they're still nice. Plus they were free so it's all good :)

Then once again I ventured into grocery shopping on a Saturday afternoon at the same hell-ish store as last week. I'm sure you remember that rant. Well it wasn't any better today. We actually ended up leaving our basket in produce and high-tailed it out of there, vowing to return later when it was safe.

Later in the day we actually returned to the same store to pick up the few items we needed. Wouldn't you know it, our basket full of halloween candy was still in produce, just sitting there. LOL. That's just too funny.

Any ways, I'm really looking forward to the halloweening fun that is to be had tomorrow. Yippeee!!

Well see y'all later...


{..::current..mood::..} kinda of sickly, but ok
{..::currently..reading::..} umm knitting stuff
{..::currently..watching::..} Brady Bunch (I just love MTS)
{..::currently..listening::..} Brady bunch



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