Confirmed madness...
Officially, I am insane. Plus my msn finally signed in.
Well it's confirmed, I am going to work both Saturday and Sunday evening this weekend. I should be committed for this insanity I suffer from. It's not even like I'm doing it because I want money, although it will be good for paying off my student credit line (woo! debt free!), but still. I actually don't know why I keep saying yes. Maybe it's a problem. My name is Chrissy and I have a problem saying no! lol. Apparently, the hospital is that short and that's sad. In the summer we fought for shifts, now the supervisor is fighting to get people to take the shifts. It's all so ironic...
Weird thing happened today. Some guy came in for an x-ray and I could have sworn this is some guy I talked to on ICQ many, many, many moons ago. I'm 95% sure it's the same guy. Same name and around the same age and same area of town. Very strange. I wasn't going to go and ask him. That's verging on creepiness. I'd be freaked out if someone said 'Hey, did you ever chat with other locals on ICQ back in about 1998/1999? I think we may have chatted on there a couple of times." I don't even know why I remember the name, I just knew it looked very familiar and that's the only place I can match it with. Still very interesting though.
My day was good though. A nice pace. Well after the first rush passed, that is. I arrived extremely early (8:30 am, when I don't start until 9am) to find someone actually waiting to have their x-ray. Being nice, I opened up a little earlier for her, then a few minutes later another guy came in and it was only 8:45/8:50 am. Insane I tell you, insane!!! Ok maybe not insane but still...
So nothing else really new with me yet. Gearing up to finally decorate the house for christmas, although at the rate I'm going with picking up shifts, I'll be lucky if the house is decorated by next Christmas.
By the by, any plans yet for our little holiday bakefest? Shall we turn it into some all day/night event involving baking, movie/alias viewing? what's the story morning glory? Plus the whens? I don't really have much time off, besides weekends (starting on the 1th...insane, i'm so insane..).
{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing...need more to read, although I started Lemony Snickett's A series of unforunate events while I was my cousin's house having a physio/accupuncture session last week
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} christmas music jazz style
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