Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Nutso, Nutso!

Seems like I'm the non-blogger for the week. Darn you world *angrily shakes fist at the world* I mean even Theresa posted a ton more times than I did. What is this world coming to. Don't worry TB I still wuv you!

So what's been up with me? The Usual. Work, work, and well work.

Last night I got home from work to find a message asking me to come in to work for another ERCP (like I did last time). You know where you come in for one procedure and end up leaving relatively fast and still get paid for 3 hours. Unforunately for me I was too late getting back to the supervisor. Darn! Except...

Turns out they just really wanted me because at 7:45pm I was called in. Sadly I was already in my pyjamas because I was tired, but regardless I wasn't going to pass up the chance. It wasn't for the ERCP, but that they were extremely busy they needed an extra set of hands. So at one point there were 5 techs (not for a long time though), when normally there are only 3. It was nuts. First snow fall creates messes at hospitals, understandly. I guess there were a few power outages at the hospital, so it kept messing around with the x-ray equipment, not so good. So they were getting bombarded with reqs and equipment malfunctioning. Never a good sign. At one point they had almost 10 patients just waiting to be done (the majority of the patients needing multiple x-rays). Nutso!

It gets better though. Eventually, the x-ray in emergency decided to fully stop working. Oh, the good times! HAH! So then we had to close down and move everything back to the main department (not that this isn't anything out of the normal, seems it happens whenever I'm on evening....hmmm? a pattern maybe?). It chaos. Luckily enough for us there was no O.R. procedures added or portable x-rays ordered during the craziness. Eventually one of the techs went home sick so it was really good I was there. I actually didn't get to leave until midnight, when I was supposed to stay no later than 11:15 (my guaranteed 3 hours), but it was so hectic they needed me to stay. Oh well, it's just a little more christmas money. I'm exhaused today though. I wasn't able to go to sleep until after 1am because I was so wired from running around all night. I still got a little under 7 hours of sleep, so that's ok.

Onto other things...

I'm also trying to come up with my superpower, seeing how I'm the only one without powers (or rather unshared superpowers). I don't think x-ray anything is my power, it's far too obvious, don't you think? Don't worry I'll come up with one and you'll all be amazed, if not dazzled by my incredible-ness (soo not a word...but this is my blog so I can make up my own language...shh!)

Closed shop early again today, but it was totally legitimate. I had a doctor's appointment. Yes, you read correctly! I actually made an appointment to see the doctor, regardless of my anti-seeing-the-doctor-if-i-really-don't-have-to. I'm still convinced I have an UTI (urinary tract infection of some sort). The dip test has proven negative, but it's going to be sent away to make sure there isn't any other cultures there. But I was given anti-biotics just incase it doesn't clear up.

Actually, the doctor did say my back muscles are not in good condition. Oops?!? She was going to send me to a physiotherapist but because of my vunderful cousin, I don't want to worry about going to one. So I'm going to see my cousin this week and she's going to help me with both my neck and now my back. I swear, I'm not going to last in this profession all my working days. Which is really sad, considering I just graduated from the program. Maybe by doing all these exercises that I'll be getting at night will help with the neck and back.

I'm falling apart, it's official. Maybe I'll go invent a way to get a body-switch, whaddya think? Maybe not? Hmm, I'll just have to find a way. Seriously almost 23 and I have more problems then some 70 year olds. It's sad when you can related with patients, when they're elderly and well you're younger than their new hip.

It's good to be home though....phew! Just exhausted, but I did have a good day, nothing too crazy. Only 15 patients all day (but that's with closing early by almost 2 hours, much to the chagrin of some patients). Some have been, let's say 'vocal,' about us being closed on friday and closing early today. Like I set out to do it on purpose, just to piss off people. Seesh. Oh well. C'est la vie.

Time for me to return to the kitchen where I'm bringing down all the christmas dishes (yippee!). I'm crazy, but we all know that.


{..::current..mood::..} tired little sleep and back pain are never a good combo
{..::currently..reading::..} ummm Swordstone (or something like that) by Phyllis A. Whitney
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..}the radio that is playing upstairs, its sounds more like thumping (due to the bass) more than anything



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