Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Did I mention I'm crazy?

Turns out I'm totally insane. Not a big surprise, it's simply common knowledge.

So I've decided that I don't need any days off. Yes you heard me correctly. Turns out that in my mind I only really need one day off in 12 days. Because really, who needs rest, right? Exhaustion is just a way of life...

Any ways, reluctantly I took a shift for earlier today, plus I was called in last Monday. To top things off, I actually agreed to work next Saturday and Sunday evening. Therefore I am totally insane. So tomorrow will technically be my only day off until December 11. Sounds good right? lol. Well at least I won't be bored.

Plus I would have just been sitting around the house any ways next weekend, seeing how everyone is getting ready for exams or having christmas parties. So it sort of works out. I'll just be tad exhausted next Monday, but meh I'll survive. Just expect me to drop into bed on the 11th, not to be distrubed for a long time.

Well none of it is official yet, but still. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I am crrrrrrrrrrrazy.

Went blog surfing recently. Interesting posts by my peeps.

Firstly, Theresa, those little form things were hiliarious with your names. Too funny for words, especially that one with sex as a weapon, lol.

Poor, poor Lynnsey, blogger eating your posts. I swear it's some sort conspiracy by the amish. First they started with computers in general, now they've moved onto blogger. WORLD BEWARE!!!

Now Carla, yes I'm refering to you. So I've given too much eh? Generosity is not well accepted I see. It's always better to give than receive, it brings me joy to have shared my shows with you all. *snicker, snicker* But unlike some people *cough*theresa*cough* I am actually open to the idea of allowing you to have some sort of new show marathon. I'm sure by mid-december I can fit you all in, hehe.

More great news, I found 'Babes in Toyland' and no it's not some kind of kinky movie! It's an old disney movie, it's a classic. I was so excited I was practically jumping in the store when I found it. Of course I was a tad out of it, telling my mom how I was all excited hmv had the movie but it turned out to be some animated movie, so I was bummed. I was telling her how it stared Annette Funicello and all that jazz. To which she brought it down and said 'this one?' I was so excited. The idiot that I was didn't look very hard at it, I just assumed it was the animated one, but nope it was the one I was looking for. So yay!!!! I'm so happy, plus it wasn't that expensive at all! WOO!

Well it's time for me to return to my harry potter viewing..

later days...


{..::current..mood::..} all happy 'cause I have 'babes in toyland' (plus I think the robaxacet (sp?) is working it's wonderful magic).
{..::currently..reading::..} Silversword by phyllis a whitney
{..::currently..watching::..} harry potter 3 (just bought that too)
{..::currently..listening::..} hp3



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