Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

the dog's glasses....naturally

I've concluded that in my sleep I'm on crack. For the past few nights, I've had the weirdest thoughts and convictions. One night I swore my mom was throwing my dog at me (possible, but no likely, plus she claims otherwise). That's nothing compared to what I thought the other night. I'd like to blame the medication I took before bed, but it may not have been that.

My family on a whole are all on crack in their sleep. It's actually funny thinking about it. We're all a little incoherent and such. I took the cake though. On friday night I must have fallen asleep watching tv, although I did manage to turn off the tv. However, I neglected to remove my glasses at the time. Later on in the night I must have removed them though. Early in the morning I turned over and felt something odd. First thought 'huh?" Second thought: "Oh they're glasses. Well they must be sassy's because I put mine on the nightstand table. D'uh, of course they're sassy's glasses." Naturally I put them on the table and went back to sleep, only to remember this later in the day. Seriously, I've lost my mind. I was so out of it, that there was no doubt in my mind that they actually were my dog's glasses. Still cracks me up...

PS...Alias summary still to come. Plus I have a bunch of roswell and some alias fanart to add. Ciao...


{..::current..mood::..} sore
{..::currently..reading::..} guilty pleasures
{..::currently..watching::..} alias
{..::currently..listening::..} alias...yummmm michael vartan
{} "Sydney, Slooooane is here..."



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