Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Monday, December 27, 2004


The day after christmas. My least favorite day of the year, well sort of, but it's of no importance to this blog :)

At least I survived another christmas this year, phew! This weekend's christmas was better than last weekend, that's for darn sure. Spoiled, yet again this year. I think it's a trend my family is going with. Gots lots of good loot :) So so spoiled. My parents are evil due to the fact they all played with my mind, but I'll get them back, mark my words! hehe

I got to see both sides of my family, too. First we went to my mom's sisters place for dinner and everything. It was really nice. Lots of people around my age, which is always good. Plus only one child under the age of 10, phew, no little squabbles. Best part of all, we all (well not everyone)went for a nice dip in the hot tub. Very fun. We looked like idiots sitting in the hot tub with toques, not able to see one another because of the ice fog, but it was worth it. What's a little frost? hehe. Very much fun was had though.

My brother was super drunk too. The idiot just kept drinking and drinking, then got in the hot-tub. We told him to go and make a snow angel (while we were all in hot-tub), so the idiot actually got out and made a snow angel. Dumbass. It was funny though.

Then we went to my dad's sister's house (she lives minutes away from my mom's sister, yet we live across town....hmmm). It was weird there though. I was still mad because we left my other aunts where we were going to watch 'Napoleon Dynamite' but my dad just wanted to leave grr! Oh well c'est la vie. There my brother passed out and was just nutty. Good times, good times.

Yesterday we went shopping to pick a few things. People were crazy and we didn't even go to many places. We just needed to pick up a few things like a corner shelf for my new bigger tv/dvd (yay!). Scary people though. Then later on we set up the home theater system we had bought my parents, which they loved. I was expecting to be told it was going back (only saying, not really meaning it) but they just accepted it. Dad didn't seem as pleased but after watching Spider-man 2 on it last night, he's in love with it. It's all really cool. Now my brother is just trying to get my parents to buy the big screen tv to go with it. lol. He's a nut job though.

Now is the month between christmas and birthday. The time in which I am still not allowed to buy anything for myself (unlike some people....hehe). Grr!

So any plans for new years eve, yet? I was screwed over by my family so I'm up for anything. Remember how I offered my place for a fondue/girls nights/sushi party/play games/whatever else? (get your minds out of the gutter on that note). Well it seems no one remembered and they let my drunk at the time brother make plans with my cousin to have a party. My mother even suggested they come to our house, grr! Within minutes, my drunk brother, phoned his friends and invited them. Nothing was finalized but he went and did it. GRR!!!

Soo...if any one did want to do any of the above, we can still have it at my house, we'll just be sharing it with a house full of drunk 18/19 year olds. So I don't know. My family just pissed me off. I told my mom and she said 'oh yeah, that's right'. My brother kept saying 'i could come' or my 'friends could still come over.' Grr, idiots! It's probably fine because none of us have mentionned getting together yet though, but still it's the principle. I say people can come over, my brother decides to have a party and my parents go 'oh yeah, ok!' GRR. Families are so aggrivating! Oh well.. Another sucky new years eve, here I come!

Well I'm off to finish cleaning my room Later dayz...


{..::current..mood::..} itchy...stupid hives
{..::currently..reading::..} guilty pleasures and lemony snicket's series of unforunate events
{..::currently..watching::..} that 70s show
{..::currently..listening::..} ditto



Blogger Theresa said...

Well... I just asked my mom and I can have the house on New Year's eve. We can still have a fondu/sushi/whatever party at my place. :D

28/12/04 15:59  
Blogger Chrissy said...

Well it turns out, I can have it. My brother just found out that he's got to work until after midnight on Friday. So my house is all free now, mwhahahaha!! Karma baby, karma!

28/12/04 19:36  

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