Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Oh bed, how I love thee...

Yes that is all I did today. I sat in bed and slept/watched tv. Most enjoyable, expect for the fact of the killing throat, coughing, congestion, sneezing and general pain, still enjoyable. I'll pay for it on Monday when I'm swamped at work, buh m'eh I needed my rest. The doctor did tell me I needed to rest and drink lots of fluids. I did both and feel a bit better than this morning, where I could have sworn I lost my lung somewhere.

Saw the doctor last night and turns out I could have mono. Strange eh? Weirder thing though he didn't tell me to get bloodwork. Normally you get bloodwork done if there is a chance of mono, so I dunno. He still gave me antibiotics (yay, and they seem to be working, double yay) eventhough there was a chance they would do absolutely nothing. Ok, I actually said I wanted the drugs, given the option of nothing and something, I choose something. Totally not like me, because I hate medicines and pills but i'm sooo tired and tired of feeling sick that I was up for anything. I do feel better though, so maybe it's not viral or mono after all. No clue.

Now I shall return to my nice soft and warm bed... later dayz..


{..::current..mood::..} tired and sick of fluids (way too much to drink)
{..::currently..reading::..} same as usual
{..::currently..watching::..} felicity
{..::currently..listening::..} d'uh



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