Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

good ol' computer treadmill

I've decided to give it a whirl again, although this time i'm taking a bigger chance of being caught by my brother. Oh well, it's only my brother.

I must remark on the strangeness of the weather lately. Today was just horrible rain all day. Thunder and lighting and just pouring down. Luckily I was inside all day, but every once and a while when i'd check out there was downpours. Crazy I tell you. Don't get me wrong I like it when it rains. That rythmic sound it makes as it beats down on the roof, then the sudden booming of thunder and flashes of light. I'm weird I know, but something about the rain calms me and makes me feel at peace.

I don't like the sogginess and humdity that comes with the rain, but I enjoy the mental images and serentity it gives me. Maybe some day I'll have some mad passionate love affair while it's raining, maybe....hmmm...

So another quiet day, which is really strange considering the fact that all the doctors were working upstairs and the fact that we're closed on Friday for Canada day (hopefully beach day). I'm assuming it will hit tomorrow because we only had 16 people today, which almost half of my normal amount. The lab was super busy today but I was barely busy. So with my luck, tomorrow will be super nuts and then again on Monday. Aye carrrumba.

Aww, Im watching 'lady and the tramp' something I haven't watched in years and it's totally reminding me of how kali was as a puppy. It's soo cute. Aw baby kali, how life can change her. Lady is so much like kali (or rather Kali is so much like lady). Creepy.

Plus pretty crappy news about Veronica Mars on DVD. First of all I knew it was going to be a sucky set because the company decided it was better to release the first season before 2nd season starts. Well wouldn't you know it, ABC has decided to be jackasses and start 'desperate housewives' in September, so UPN has decided they should start Veronica earlier. So now as it turns out season 1 dvd are coming out on October 11, 3 weeks AFTER season 2 starts. UGH!!!

Apparently there was a huge decision about making the viewers wait until January for season 1 dvds so that they could put on commentary and everything, or just putting it out in October (before season 2 aired). Well due to Marc Cherry and his stupid housewives, us Veronica mars were royally screwed. All we get as special features are alternative pilot, bloopers and one other little thing. That's it. They should have just waited until January (but then again they could lose viewers by then). Either way the show has lost vital viewers because as it is UPN isn't airing episodes in order, making it a little hard for new viewers to get hooked. Now with the late arrival of veronica mars. DAMN you UPN!!! Why must you fuck with my shows. First Roswell, then buffy now veronica mars. GRR!

Well nothing much else to say. Just walking on the treadmill, protesting the fact that my parents turned on the air conditioning due to humidity (mind you my mom is already in full blown bronchitis, so humidity is bad). Still, grr! I love hearing rain!!!

Well toodles...


{..::current..mood::..} blah
{..::currently..reading::..} 'pearl in the mist' 'little white lies'
{..::currently..watching::..} lady and the tramp
{..::currently..listening::..} the treadmill and look above



Blogger Lynnsey said...

You know, that having a passionate love affair while it's raining sounds like a really good idea. Tell me how it works out, and if it does without weird hair (due to humidity, doncha know?) then I'll steal it. I mean, I'll give you the sincerest form of flattery...outside things that could be posted on the penthouse forums :)

29/6/05 19:02  

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