Sunday, Sunday.....
Another weekend done and finished. Sadly, nothing all that interesting occurred. Still conflicted as always, but what isn't new.
Theresa's unofficial/birthday/get-together was fun though. Just had a nice meal, reminisced about her and Mel's trip to Europe (lucky bums). Then returned to Lynnsey's house where we watched 'Steve Zissou's Life Aquatic." It was a funny, yet quirky movie. Mind you I did get a little distracted at time, but meh, what are you going to do?
We all even got to meet Shadow. What a little cutie. He and Kali shall unite and take over the world! Kali will be the brawn and Shadow shall be the brains of the operation. World, watch out!
So other than Saturday night, this weekend has been pretty yucky. Still feeling a little under the weather. Probably just some flu or something. Hopefully none of my friends get it, because it is fairly nasty. It's a lovely mix of sleepiness, nausea, cramps, headaches and general malaise. I seriously need a new body. Overhauling needed, stat!
I haven't completely made up my mind about the hospital yet. Mind you they did call me again this morning. As a result, no sleeping in this weekend for me. I feel horrible to always saying no, or at least since May, but I'm just so tired and the thought of not having my weekends wears me out. Sure the money was good, but do I really need to work more than 5 days a week? Probably not. I don't exactly plan on ever working at that hosptial at a later date, so there there is no point keeping my casual position. Yet like I already stated, come fall everyone is going to be busy with school and I shall reamin the only free person.
Now that I'm really thinking about it, I sort of want to keep it. Maybe it would be different if I wasn't only called at the last minute for shifts. That is partly my fault because I don't think I ever gave my new work number to the lady there. Curses, this indecisiveness needs to take a hike!
Well I have fingers crossed that perhaps this week should go a bit better. One can only hope. Mind you all 7 of the doctors upstairs are going to be in plus there are the 5 surrounding doctors in the area, so I'm sure I'll be quite busy. Well at least the days pass by more quickly. I tend to prefer days where I am busy, but busy being just steady. Not having 5 people waiting for their tests at all times. It's like working at a restaurant and having people come in at all times, leaving you no chance to catch your breathe. You start to freak out because suddenly you don't have enough hands to do everything, the place is packed and yet you want your customers to be content with the service. Then you add a phone going off at the same time, let's just say, if I couldn't multi-task before this job, then I sure as hell can now! Oh well, I guess it's the same for everyone.
Sadly no hour long walk at 7:30am today. I must say it was quite nice to be outside when there are practically no cars or people outside. Kali was excellent, it was amazing. I was a little concerned I would have to carry her home near the end, but the little trooper lasted the entire walk. She did collapse when we got in the house and went to sleep, but at least she didn't just decide she wasn't walking and lay down on the sidewalk, as she did for my dad once. I think it's funny she did that, but hey what are you going to do?
During our little walk yesterday, I had Kali on my lap and we sat on the swings. Her reaction on the swing was slightly amusing. She just didn't quite know what to make out of the whole thing.
Ever notice how growing up sucks? While Kali and I were at the park, I noticed how the park has completely changed. There is only one or two items left over from when I was a little kid. It's completely sucky now. People wonder why more little kids are more lethargic and overweight. Hello?!?! You keep ruining the parks and making them smaller, with less things to occupy the children with, all because you're afraid of a few little scrapes and scratches.
Go to any park in and the city and you'll see what I mean. I almost never see any kids at parks anymore, or at least none in my neighbourhood. I can understand change, but not making them smaller or just removing them in general. It's just sad. I used to love getting in the car or hoping on my bike and going to the park. You were guaranteed at least a couple hours of horsing around and being able to run around. Such a shame nowadays.
Well I think I'm going to check out for the night. Here's hoping tomorrow goes smoothly!
Later dayz!
{..::current..mood::..} STill wanting to die...but only slightly
{..::currently..reading::..} Abarat
{..::currently..watching::..} Newsradio
{..::currently..listening::..} see above
Hee hee. At first I could have sworn you had written "I need a new BABY" and was so confused. Why, did the old one wear out/grow up? They just don't make babies like they used to. When I was born, babies had to crawl out of the vagina through ice and snow, and it was uphill both ways!
Anyways, hope you're feeling better soon!
(Oh, and if Shadow's the brains...the world might be safe for a little bit longer ;)
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