Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Well I am truly ashamed of myself right now. First and foremost, no posting. It's been almost 10 days since my last post. This is inexcusable. Any reason? No. Lazy? Perhaps. Moody? Most definitely. A new trend of only 0ne post per ten days? Hopefully not.

I shall bullet-ify my past week...
  • Kali ran away (never a dull moment with her)
  • finally was able to have our bonfire...and s'mores
  • Made jam with Theresa, much thanks to her and her mommy for picking the beautiful berries
  • finished HP:HBP (quel disapointment)
  • Spent too much money on things I didn't necessarily need
    1. Arrested Development:Season 1
    2. "Big" (movie)
    3. Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella (like I don't already have 3 books to read)
    4. Pants (I've now brought my quota up to maybe ten pairs, yay!)?
  • Decided that no one should ever shop at Penningtons (damn those fat cows to hell, to hell I tell you!!)
      See here's the story behind that. They're bastards. Need more? Fine, here's the small version. Bought two shirts, charged twice on my debit, went back they'd "never seen that before, don't know what to do," phone their headoffice where the fat cow is told I have to wait but she'll phone on Monday.
      So Monday passes and no phone call. Now keep in mind, I gave my work number. This usually means I will not be in past 4:30 or 5pm. Apparently the fat cow was no listening and decided to be a loser (which she was probably at birth). Any ways, I go back this past Saturday, to her smirking, telling me she phoned, but no one ever answered. Imagine that no one answering the phone? Could it be because you're a loser and phone AFTER hours, after I told you not to? UGH!
      Any ways, she's trying to tell me it's not the companies fault and that I have to talk to my bank. I HAD already talked to my bank, who told me to take my statement or whatever to the store. Fat cow still did not care, and just smirked at me. I hate her with a fiery passion.
      As it stands, I am out money, and there is a investigation going on from my bank on the debit interactions, because wouldn't you know it? It's the store that has to take care of it and both debit interactions were seconds apart. UGHH!!!! I hate that store and especially that woman. She was of no help and completely rude. I digress though.
  • Receptionist scares me more than normal
  • Had no receptionist yesterday (it just fueled my "fun" day)
  • Still wishing I had summers of yesteryears
  • Ordered 'Dead Like Me' Season 2 and it should arrive any day now, woot!
  • My shirts I ordered online arrived (thinking about it, I think I've been spending FAR too much money lately)
  • etc.. etc..

Here's something you don't hear about everyday. I was watching some tv last night and flipped to TLC where they were showing a show on "101 Things Removed From the Human Body ." The show seemed mildy amusing, at first. By the end, I was completely and utterly disgusted. The very last thing the show aired was this one guy's creepy story. Apparently this man was suffering from Fetus in fetu. Fetus in fetu describes an extremely rare abnormality that involves a fetus getting trapped inside of its twin. It continues to survive as a parasite even past birth until it grows so large that it starts to harm the host, at which point doctors usually intervene. Invariably the parasitic fetus is anencephalic (without a brain) and lacks internal organs, and as such is unable to survive on its own) (dictionnary description, as if I could describe like that). During the story they show how doctors didn't have a clue what was ailing this man. His abdomen was huge. He looked like he had a massive beer belly.

Well apparently x-rays and CT didn't help the doctors find his ailment. Surgery was the best option. What they found was gross. As stated already, apparently this 36 year old man was suffering from Fetus in fetu. They actually showed the "parasite," it looked like a massive deformed person. It apparently had everything a human has, except a head. It was really gross though. Apparently it was like calcified remains surrounded in tons of fluids. I shudder just at the thought. That poor man. I mean he went for 36 years of his life with this. Never in history had they seen a case go as long as this. Maybe it's because he's from poorer country or something. But yikes!

Here are some links about it.

Well I suppose that is all for now. Toodles...

{..::current..mood::..} meh
{..::currently..reading::..} abarat days of magic, nights of war (or something like that)



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