Brother, Aurora borealis and other nonsense

This is why I say my dog is possessed. I take her outside to look at the northern lights and I get this. SCARY.
Well my friends just left. Sucky for me because I had to miss the end of our little 'Ghostbuster' marathon. Stupid brother. Well I guess the alternative is far worse, but still. The boy owes me big, very big. Something about a drunk 20 year old driving seems bad, doncha know.
At least I got to see the amazing Northern Lights. They are always amazing. I'd love to go up north and see them, and someday I will, you just watch and see.
Now I'm just waiting for the phone call to go and pick him up from the bar. Who goes to the bar for only an hour any way? I guess him, that's who. But seeing how the girls he went with were already heavily drunk, I can only imagine their condition when I pick them up at the bar. Ah the joys of alcohol.
Other than that, things are as per usual. Work has been an interesting place this week but that's not anything out of the ordinary. Mind you I am going to miss the contractors/demolishers, they are nice eye candy. During lunch yesterday, they were bending, lifting and carrying heavy objects all right in front of me. Nothing beats lunch entertainment like that. Sadly two of them are married, but ogling was never illegal, right?
New seasons of tv are coming up in the next few weeks, yippee!! I have even managed to stay spoiler free for Veronica Mars. I totally ruined 'Alias' for myself, but there was no choice there, it was hard to avoid the spoilerage. Barely any of the new shows this season look interesting. There are the odd few I will check out or have already checked out but nothing too great like last year's 'Veronica Mars.'
I have already checked out 'Prison Break' and 'Reunion' and I was sort of confused with both because I happened to catch both midway through the episode so only time will tell. At least some of the shows are mixing up my actors from my other previous favorite shows. For example 'Kitchen Confidential' is pairing up Bradley Cooper (Alias' Will) with Nicholas Brendan (Buffy's Xander), while 'How I Met Your Mother' pairs Alyson Hannigan (Buffy's Willow/Veronica Mars' Trina) with Jason Seigel (Freaks and Geeks' Nick). It's just a continuation of the perpetual cross-overs of my favorite dead shows. Sigh.
Well I'm off, for the phone shall ring momentarily. I hope.
{..::current..mood::..} sleeepy
{..::currently..reading::..} nothing really
{..::currently..watching::..} nothing
{..::currently..listening::..} something by elton john
I am glad that you liked the northern lights. Now buy these penis enlarging pills. *g* Sheesh, how did these jokers get ahold of your blog? Have you been surfing the dirty sites again ;)
Damn, my secrets out ;)
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