When lightbulbs attack...
What a weird and unexpected day. Don't want another one though, thanks.
First has any one had a lightbulb fall from the ceiling? I did, and it was sure weird. Karen and I were just standing there, when *poof and shatter* we find a lightbulb laying on the floor shattered in the EKG room. Really creepy. It's not even like it broke in the fixure and fell, the whole entire lightbulb was laying on the ground. Thank god, no one was in the room at the time. All I know is this place is haunted.
To make my life complete I've decide to add some minor anxiety attacks, go me!! I am so sick of this, maybe I should pack up and move to some distant land. New faces and past wiped clean, ah now wouldn't that be nice. Just me and Kali (you know I can't leave her), hitting the road and never coming back. No answering to anyone, just us rocking out. So totally the life.
Now if only I could get a time machine and change my entire childhood, or at least starting at around grade 2/3. Those were the best first 8 years or so of my life. Not that life sucks now, but it's just not as expected. Oh well, once I get to Nwat, it shall all resolve and rock. I shall be ruler. Kali and Shadow will be in the shadows keeping the town in order, while Lynnsey "makes" her way to join me in Nwat. HAH!
I just got home from seeing 'The Dukes Of Hazzard." It totally rocked. It was actually a lot better than antcipated. Luckily there was very minor screen time with Jessica Simpson. She was clearly nothing more than eye candy for the penile community, as always. But it was really hiliarious, I recommend it to all. It's definitely worth tons of laughs. The movie even passed by really quickly, which is really good because the last few movies I'd seen, it'd felt like they were just dragging on and on and on and on... Go check it out!
Went and did some more shopping today *blush* I'm sure I'll stop...eventually. No more DVDs for a very long time though (you know, until Christmas...hee hee).
I really should be in bed, but the lack of sleep is building up and causing me to very wide awake. Never good. Damn night owl-ness. Too many thoughts in my brain too, and they're not very nice ones. So conflicted. I need a conflicted bowl, where I can put them all and when I'm ready, I can take them out and resolve them. Now wouldn't that be nice. Mind you, if Sassy and Kali weren't hell bent on keeping me up at night, I wouldn't have this problem. I swear these two "guard" dogs get scared by their own shadows. Oy vey!
Looks like I'm going to try and get some sleep, not likely but oh well. Toodles...
{..::current..mood::..} disconnected and yet i feel like my chest is going to cave in
{..::currently..reading::..} abarat
{..::currently..watching::..} Kali destroying something
{..::currently..listening::..} Same as above
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