Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Sunday, September 11, 2005


....and oddly enough feel like the Stay Puft marshmallow man from 'Ghostbusters.' Sadly I think he was a little bit cuter. Still, yummm big marshmallow. When big dairy milk bars and graham crackers decide to attack be sure to call me.

I slept in a little too late, so now I feel like I've slept my day away. Plus nothing, food wise, looks appealing to me. Maybe it was the interrupted sleep? Stupid family. Poor Kali though. In a drunken stupor poor Kali was put outside and forgotten for a few hours, by my brother. Luckily enough my mom woke up and found her there. Now she's afraid to go outside. Can't say I don't blame her. My family is nuts, seriously.

I can't believe it's already almost mid-September. If my life passes me any faster, the next thing I know I will be 85. Crazy. Makes me want to go and make a list of things I need to accomplish by that time. Actually I did have a list like that years ago, I probably still have it. I probably still have a lot of crap. Last year's big purge took the majority of it but I'm sure I still have some old "junk."

Well homies, I think it's time I find food, although I don't really need it or want it.

Later days!


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