Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Greatest Show Ever

How effing great was 'Grey's Anatomy' last night? In case you missed it, as I'm sure you did, it was FANTASTIC. I swear this show is progressively getting better as each episode airs.

That being said, it's a tv show. Nothing is relatively close to what it's really like at the hospital, but it's entertainment, plain and simple. I know while watching it, I have to comment on all the x-rays (but I do that no matter the television show). But with any profession aired on television, we all do that to a degree.

Any ways back to last night's episode. It was a really tear-jerker and I don't usually cry during movies or tv shows. This one really struck a cord. Here's a synopsis of last night's episode, followed by my commentary. To those who haven't seen it yet, too little too late, deal.

"As Meredith nervously awaits a final decision from Derek, her angst is interrupted when a train crash brings several seriously injured patients to the hospital, including Bonnie and Tom, a pair of passengers who've been impaled on a metal pole. And Addison Shepherd sees great potential in Izzie, who must decide whether her loyalty as Meredith's friend outweighs professional gain. " - ABC

Basically the majority of the episode was trying to figure out who Dr McDreamy chooses, Meredith is drunk/nursing a hangover through the use of an IV bag, big accident, Izzy torn between friend's loyaty and advancing her career, Cristina freaking out about a leg (one they were trying to put back on a body and she couldn't find the correct RT leg), then the pole couple and Alex turning back into an ass. If you don't watch, then this is all greek to you and shame on you for not watching, it's grrrrrrrreat!

This couple that were impaled together with an rod was just completely heart breaking. It basically broke down to trying to decide who to save out of the two. Here you have a middle-aged male and a mid-twenties female. The female is played by the girl who played Abbey on 'Dawson's Creek' and she did an awesome job, kudos to you!

As I was saying. Both have extensive injuries, but only one will survive ok? To do this they have to move one of the patients off the pole, so basically the one you move will die because they will bleed out too fast to be saved. In true 'Grey's Anatomy' style there is an underlying theme to these two. They almost represent the choice Dr McDreamy is to make between Meredith (new love) and Addison (current wife who cheated on him). In this instance Dr. Sheppard (McDreamy) has to try and decide who which patient, the young one representing Meredith and the other representing Addison.

After reviewing both patients the "doctors" on the show feel the older guy actually has a shot at living. The younger girl can't move her feet and the pole is going right through her aorta (pretty much fatal right there). So any ways, they actually drag it out, finally we learn who will get the chance to live. As viewers we have to actually watch them tell the couple who will live and who will die. It was just sooo hard to watch, gut-wrenching actually.

All I could imagine during this episode is being that girl, because really she is my age. Being the girl that is told she is going to die within an hour. You wake up in the morning and all you were doing was taking a train ride somewhere, home or school or something, and little do you know that you're going to die later that day and there is nothing you can do about it. The older guy felt he should be the one to go, but his injuries were less extensive. Realistically, both would probably die, but this is tv.

Ok, so once she is told, it was just sad. She knew it before they told her, but still, all I could do was think, 'what if that was me?' All I wanted to do at that moment was bring the covers over my head and bawl like a little baby. Even know it's overwhelming. I have to keep reminding myself it's just a tv show but still it had a huge profound effect on me. This even made me reconsider working in the medical field, not that a tv show can really have an effect like that on me, but at that minute I was so overcome with emotion that I wanted out.

So once the characters are brought into the OR. We see them tell her they'll be putting her to sleep before they remove her off the pole so there will be no pain. But seriously? Could you imagine knowing that you'll never open your eyes again after that? I just have a seriously hard time with that concept. I just really get affected by that kind of stuff, but any ways, moving on.

We are forced to watch them take the girl off the pole, right after she crashes (meaning, vitals crash - aka CODE BLUE), and basically watch her die. Meanwhile, we have just learnt that Meredith is no longer drunk and can scrub in for this procedure and that Dr. McDreamy has choosen to try and make it work with his wife. So after they pull the patients apart, we seem them try and save the girl, but it was no use, it was far to extensive to repair. This being said, Meredith is was helping with the doctors on this patient (while the others were across the room working on the other patient). Bascially what it boiled down to was, the other doctors moved onto the other patient and gave a time of death, while Meredith couldn't come to terms with it, just like she couldn't believe Dr. McDreamy didn't choose her. This girl (pole patient) was just sort of representing Meredith, and how she was giving up on. Meredith was going crazy and breaking down in the OR over them just letting the girl die, even though there was no choice. I know this could be worded better and a hundred times more eloquent, but screw it. I was just really touched by it, plain and simple.

So peeps, this is my signing out.... peace out!


[mood] - somber (curse you TV)
[book]- hp 4 (18 more days until the movie, wheee!)
[listening to]- 'time after time' cyndi lauper (really not helping with my emotions right now, FYI)



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