And history repeats itself...
So starts another lovely journey in the world of exchange students. From what I could gather another "internation scandal" is being prevented. Got to wonder about this whole exchange program at times. Why are some perfectly matched and others make you wonder what someone was smoking at that time. Boy oh boy.
I've come to the conclusion that school sucks. The way I look at it, I have to study 24 hours a day to get good marks so that I can get hired. Then I have to work for years after that and try to fit in a family, friends and whatever else. Then I retire. Wouldn't it be great if I could skip the whole studying and go straight to retirement, but without the aging. I can see it know and it's fabulous. *sigh* Ok no more I wishes.
Today while I carrying my dog around I had this strangest feeling wash over me. I hate when that happens. It was like I was holding a baby and I was in my thirties and it was sunny out (when in reality it was cloudy and drizzling). Strange, n'est pas? Maybe I'm psychic??? No? Right, that's right, I'm psycho... -cho not -chic! Which reminds me of the recent déjà vu occurances. Ever wonder why we get those? I thought of that today too. I get these from time to time but lately they've been occuring more frequently. Strange, or maybe something big is going to happen... hmmmm...
Now for the infamous quiz portion of the entry:

What Romance Movie Best Represents Your Love Life?
brought to you by Quizilla

How much of a pottymouth are you?
{..::current..mood::..} Feeling sorry for my poor poor mommy
{..::currently..reading::..} Merill's Radiographic positioning (yes I know...study study study)
{..::currently..watching::..} Bewitched (did you know they tape her nose wriggling in slow motion then sped it up to make it look like she was wriggling it quickly?)...but it eventually became the Beverly Hillbillies (yee-haw!)
{..::currently..listening::..} "Someday" Nickelback
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