{..::Topic::..}: What a crazy night
Tonight was interesting, to say the least. I arrived to learn there was no water, which means I couldn't do x-rays because we need water to process the film. Another advantage of going digital this wouldn't matter. Any ways, it was just nuts. Lots of phone calls with management and stuff. Turns out we actually did have water but that wasn't until later at night. At one point we didn't have water but it was back eventually. It was nuts though. So much to say about it, so little time or will to type it now. At least it wasn't that bad of a night. At points it was because of the chaos and then all the x-rays that had to be done, but we got it all done good. Phew!
Other than that, not much that went on today. I studied during the day, and slept (apparently sleeping 8 hours wasn't enough). Tomorrow I have a bunch of crap to do though. Get my credit card all updated, get my license renewed, return a dvd I got, etc.. etc.. I'm sure there is more that I'm leaving out though. Plus tomorrow night I have to come home straight from work (midnight), crawl into bed and leave the house by 7:30ish for a school seminar. Yuck! But at least I won't have an insane Friday to work....that'll be my next evening's rotation. hehe Maybe tomorrow night actually...
Any ways, I'm tired and have a horrible head-ache so I'm off to bed. Toodles..
{..::current..mood::..} sleepy
{..::currently..reading::..} x-ray science related stuff
{..::currently..watching::..} *shrug*
{..::currently..listening::..} Temptation Island (my mom is watching is right next to me)
{..::useless.fact.of.the.day::..} New York's Central Park is nearly twice the size of the entire country of Monaco.
{..::alias.quote.of.the.day::..} "Syd when I walked into your apartment. I saw you lying there, I thought oh god don't let me miss a chance to tell her how much I love her" -Vaughn to Syd
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