Life, the Chrissy way....

My blog. My Way.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

{..::Topic::..}: Winterpeg Strikes Again

I keep forgetting to post about the weather. It's so blantly in my face all the time and yet I still forget to post about it.

It's been brutally cold here lately. It's probably warmer up north, such as the Artic or something. It's just horrible. Days like -50ºC degrees out. Seeing how I don't get off school/work until almost midnight it's mighty cold. Luckily I can get into a nice and warm car because my family will pick me up, but I couldn't imagine taking a bus or something. Scary stuff.

The temperature is so cold that even school buses aren't running because it's too cold for kids to stand outside. They might as well just cancel school, seeing how most schools don't even have school tomorrow as it is. I feel sorry for those little kids, stuck inside all day. Actually I feel more so for the parents, they have to really bundle up their kids or be stuck with cabin fever kidlets all day. Yikes!

Tomorrow it's supposed to warm up to -20ºC but we'll see. Here's hoping. As it is I have about 2 inches of ice on my window because my window sucks. The whole house is freezing and we don't want to turn the heat up really high because of the cost, so instead we freeze or have heaters on all over the house. I couldn't even imagine being in this weather more than a hundread years ago. Just too scary to think about.

Although it's so cold out, I'm still seeing people that are going outside in barely any protection. Yesterday on my way to the hosptial I actually spotted some guy with no winter coat, mitts, hat or anything. Just two shirts on. That horrified me. It's more than -50ºC with the windchill and you're outside in next to nothing. You're skin get frostbite in seconds at those temperature. Just scary. I don't think I ever remember it being this cold out.

This winter started out fairly well. It was mild, not too much snow, just nice. Then January came and blew all that away. It brought horribly cold temperature and massive amounts of snow. I wouldn't be surprised if the groundhog doesn't see his shadow next week. There is no way winter will be over before 6 weeks. Horrible horrible. This just makes me want to curl up in bed with a nice book, some Tim Horton's hot chocolate and some relaxing music. Of course this is reality and the closest thing I have to that is sitting on the couch or at the kitchen table with a school textbook. Grr! But there is light at the end of the tunnel, yay!

Well back to the books....grumble grumble


{..::current..mood::..} good
{..::currently..reading::..} x-ray textbook stuff
{..::currently..watching::..} nada
{..::currently..listening::..} my dog barking at my brother's girlfriend
{} The male howler monkey of Central and South America is the noisiest land animal, which can be heard clearly from a distance of ten miles away.
{} "For four months, I did nothing. I was so terrified of what I did not know. I was so terrified that I was paralyzed. And the longer that went on, the more terrified I got. Wanting to know the truth but being too afraid to find the answers. " - Emily



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