{..::Topic::..}: My head is actually going to explode
As per topic, yes my head is actually going to explode. My head hurts so bad that I can barely look or read a textbook without my head spinning. It's horrid. When will the madness stop?!?!
Continued with the studying today. Thank goodness for sunshine, though. I spent most of the day studying by the front window, where the sun shine just pours in. I find it rather relaxing and enjoyable. Much better than a kitchen table or desk. I just wish it were warm enough to be studying outside again. I enjoy that the most. The warm sunshine pouring down and it just makes a much better environment to study in. Well at least I think so.
Other than studying this weekend, I endulged in watching quite a few movies. I began with watching "Le Divorce." It was interesting. Don't exactly know how I feel about it yet, but it was enjoyable. Some parts were pretty funny and others were just scratch-my-head-going-huh. Not bad though.
The next movie I watched was "Under the Tuscan Sun." I really enjoyed this movie. Predicitable but still an enjoyable movie. The scenary was all breath taking. It simply makes me want to visit Italy more than before. The life there looks so peaceful and relaxing. So very different from here. Just the thought of going somewhere like that on a vacation and staying seems wonderful. Then again, it could just be the idea of being away from everything is very appealing. Everything was just so incredibly beautiful in this movie.
I also watched Heart and Souls. It's an oldie, but a goodie. Kind of lame, but I still think it's sweet. Plus I even watched Ever After. I just adore that movie. I loved it since it came out. The dress she wears in the begining when she goes and frees that guy (bad with the memory) claiming to be a countess, inspired my grad dress. Just the whole idea of going from rags to riches is so intriguing. What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic and always will be...
{..::current..mood::..} still exhausted
{..::currently..reading::..} still reading textbooks
{..::currently..watching::..} well I was watching Ever After
{..::currently..listening::..} the fan that is next to me
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